RPi Power status Detected problem

Is there a way to drill into a problem detected to get more info? ie, I am getting an RPi Power status Detected problem, see screen shot, can’t seem to find any way to see what specifically the issue is, just a generic “detected problem” cheers for any help.

Power issues are usual on Rpi. The power bus is limited to USB current (under 5a)

Move all dongles and things that draw power to an externally powered USB hub. If you still have problems replace your power supply (yes they go bad)

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I have made notification from this sensor and few months ago I started to get those notifications from my Pi4. Sometimes few in day, worst case 20 times in day. Issue lasts always 1 minute (probably sensor update period).
I bought Pi5 power supply which gives 5A, moved my SSD to separate power supply - nothing helps.
So I bought new RPi5, moved my HA there (completely new hardware, except Zigbee and Z-wave dongles) and I’M STILL GETTING this warning.
I’m really out of ideas.