I am using a Pi 2 with 433MHz Superheterodyne for the transmitter and receiver connected via the GPIO pins.
I have previously used hassbian 1.3 and just about got the sockets working and now i see Hass.io and i feel i should upgrade to it.
Problem is i dont know how to install rpi-rf in hass io as the command line is completely different and i cannot use the commands given in Ben’s youtube video https://youtu.be/iIz6XqDwHEk
Why do you want to switch to hassio? It is not necessarily an upgrade depending on your use case. I have specially stayed away from it for reasons like you mentioned.
Oh! right… well my thinking was that hass io was the next generation of it. wasnt too sure what to do to be honest… want to future proof myself i suppose as i am only getting around to start off in the home automation world!
Hassio is another option for the operating system for HA. Home Assistant is still fully supported on Hassbian and should be for a long time. Hassbian is also still under development too as evident by the recent release of 1.3.
Unless you have a specific reason to switch I would stick with Hassbian.