RPi RF Receiver addon

I don’t see where this limitation comes from. What happens when you try to control more than 20 switches ?

Hi all,
I am interested in using the addons.
I tried to install it, but without success. It seems that it fails during installation.

I have the following line in the log:

19-09-04 19:22:25 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.docker.addon] Start build ab75e4fb/armv7-addon-rfreceiver3:2.05

And nothing else related to rpi rf receiver. And in the end addon does not offer any start button to launch it.

Oups, looks like I had to wait for more that 10 minutes. In the end:

19-09-04 19:50:48 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons] Add-on 'ab75e4fb_rfreceiver3' successfully installed

Around 30 minutes later. It finally showed up.

Using the add-on log I can see when RF is received by the GPIO but I see the following in the log:

2019-12-07 22:59:11 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1 [pulselength 981, protocol 2]
sh: XXXXXXX: not found
Error: Both topic and message must be supplied.

XXXXXXX is the last 7 characters of my MQTT password that somehow got truncated. It then goes on to describe mosquitto pub blaa blaa…

Seems to me this is an issue on the MQTT side. In running HassIO 0.102.3 with Mosquitto broker add-on.

Dead thread?

Argh… All my receievers give this:

2020-05-04 15:57:33 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: Listening for codes on GPIO 22
2020-05-04 15:58:03 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 4 [pulselength 1332, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:58:12 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1 [pulselength 1509, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:58:13 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 128 [pulselength 1285, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:58:23 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1024 [pulselength 1338, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:58:35 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 256 [pulselength 1023, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:58:53 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1 [pulselength 1234, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 15:59:08 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1040 [pulselength 200, protocol 1]
2020-05-04 15:59:16 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 4 [pulselength 801, protocol 2]
2020-05-04 16:00:14 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 16 [pulselength 86, protocol 3]
2020-05-04 16:00:17 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 18432 [pulselength 1518, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 16:00:21 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 128 [pulselength 1261, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 16:00:39 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 256 [pulselength 1106, protocol 4]
2020-05-04 16:01:11 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 2 [pulselength 242, protocol 1]
2020-05-04 16:01:13 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 8 [pulselength 601, protocol 5]
2020-05-04 16:01:14 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 512 [pulselength 562, protocol 5]
2020-05-04 16:01:50 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 1048576 [pulselength 624, protocol 5]
2020-05-04 16:01:58 - [INFO] rpi-rf_receive: 4 [pulselength 238, protocol 1]

Connected to 3.3 or 5v, tried other GPIO (22 and 27) All the same: Nothing…just random codes and no reaction on my remote…

The addon is great! Unfortunately on the latest Hassio, we have error on install: Failed to install addon, [object Object]

I hope for update or advice. Thanks!

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Hi there -i’m new to this entire forum and i happen to come across your post. I’m automating my home with a harmony hub and the only thing that i need to get going is the projector screen to come down and go back up but since the screen is RF, i’ve not been successful thus far.

I’ve tried using a velleman mk162 2 channel IR receiver, but got confused on where to solder on the remore on in the projector box. didn;t want to risk ruining the device so aborted that.

then i tried the method listed in this thread, but i get a bunch of codes and nothing works either. the remote has 433mhz on it but i tried with a 315mhz as well with no luck…

my next step is to try the broadlink device, but wanted to know exactly what the ‘remote control clone’ is so that i can give your method a go. maybe add some additional directions?

I use the Bond BD-1000 for several RF fans, after giving up on Broadlink RF.

The addon looks great indeed. I tried a couple of things (like installing old versions of homeassistant or attempt a more manual installation) without success. I’m open for suggestions… if somebody has a great idea.

I confirm that I have encountered the same issue. The addon cannot install anymore. Any help will be greatly appreciated !! Thanks

Why you gave up Broadlink RF?

The addon works on old Hassio versions for sure, but I can’t remember on which. RF Transmitter still works on latest Hassio, but to use the receiver you must install the addon, but I can’t.

Could not get it to read rf codes.

Anyone found any solutions??? @pandomax maybe :slight_smile:

Same problem here on latest hassOS:

Failed to install addon
The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk add --no-cache jq py2-pip clang libgcc gcc-gnat libgc++ g++ make libffi-dev openssl-dev python2-dev mosquitto mosquitto-dev mosquitto-libs mosquitto-clients py-pip python python-dev python3 python3-dev && pip install -U pip && pip3 install -U pip && pip install -U virtualenv' returned a non-zero code: 3

OH, problem is that 64 bit OS. I run on rpi4 where 32bit is impossible :frowning: so no GPIO on 64bit.

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Guys I’ve just started using that platform: rpi_rf too for automation and switching RF wall switches. I had to do whole day troubleshooting as I can’t get it working properly. So my thoughts:

  1. Problem is - the signal sometimes refuces to be sent and sent with unknown parameters as I’m analyzing transmitted signal with separate arduino-RF receiver over serial and very rare I see transmitted signal - RC-Switch is not even recognizing the type of transmitted signal, where motion sensor signal and signal from other platform - rflink using the same hardware is recognized very well.

  2. There is problem with signal repetition, despite defining in the yaml - signal_repetitions: 30 Only 1 command sent (my signal analizer sometimes catch it.

  3. I think the problem is also with delays as if for instance, Like I’m doing, you use 433mhz motion sensor and transmitter also works on the same frequency to send command to the wall switch, then repeated several times signal from motion sensor interfere with signal sent to the wall switch. I have implemented 2sec delay and things got little better - working some time, but not constantly.

Did anyone got this protocol, platform working with constant results?

Edit: apparently something was wrong with the repo-structure, so I’ll just go and remove the projects

I cloned the repo and fixed the broken python dependencies, and it seems to work for me.

You can try if it works by installing it from here: https://github.com/CarstenHess/hassio-addons

Please note that I don’t plan on maintaining or developing this addon as such - I just wanted to mak it run and play around with it a bit. Feel free to clone it an do your own changes.

Repostitory structure for master is not compliant :joy:

I really have no idea what you mean, but since I don’t want any hassle with something I don’t use myself, I guess I’ll just delete the RF receiver add-on from the repo again, since I don’t use it

Hello @Pantomax can You tell me is it possible to have rf reciver/sender
wired on Rpi2 and Home Assistant on MiniPC and I want to use buttons to control external blinds. Is it possible?