Rpi0w2 Kiosk mode for HA on 7" LCD screen to control everything at home with joystick


because the Rpi Zero 2 W is really more powerfull, its now smooth to run Chromium in kiosk mode with raspbian lite…compare to my previous version …turtlle version : Home Assistant Kiosk mode Rpi0w + ili9341 3.2" by Electronlibre - Thingiverse

I have put an ADS1115 inside to make the use of an analog joystick, so you can control everything because of the switch of the joystick that act as a left click mouse on kiosk.

i have put the 2 files for that, you have to follow the installation process :

1-Install Raspbian BUSTER LITE (not bulleyes)
2-Install kiosk : https://desertbot.io/blog/raspberry-pi-touchscreen-kiosk-setup
3-Install Python Library for ADS1115 : Python & CircuitPython | Adafruit 4-Channel ADC Breakouts | Adafruit Learning System
4-Install Xdotool to simulate mouse : How to simulate key press and mouse movement in Linux
5-copy the 2 files : launcher.sh and ADC.py into your home/pi directory (accordlingly to your username) and arrange the path in the launcher.sh to be ok with your config, and look into ADC.py to solder the good wire of joystick in ADC1115 input A0 A1 and A2 (A3 is free if you want to make more).
see this guide to make executable launcher.sh and start at boot : Raspberry Pi: Launch Python Script on Startup : 8 Steps - Instructables


all config files on thingyverse : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5158516/files

Total cost is about 60€ :wink: its not a tablet style kiosk, tablet can make a lot more things but a tablet for 60€ is so slow…

here is the LCD screen:
HDMI adaptor: