Rpi4 bluetooth in Home Assistant 2022.12.8

Hi, I am using a
Rpi4 and Home Assistant 2022.12.8
Supervisor 2022.12.1
Operating System 9.4
Frontend 20221213.1 - latest

HA sees my Rpi4 but it has no entities.
I want to use it for people tracking to show when someone is home.

I have downloaded the diagnostic file and it shows this:

“home_assistant”: {
“installation_type”: “Home Assistant OS”,
“version”: “2022.12.8”,
“dev”: false,
“hassio”: true,
“virtualenv”: false,
“python_version”: “3.10.7”,
“docker”: true,
“arch”: “aarch64”,
“timezone”: “Australia/Adelaide”,
“os_name”: “Linux”,
“os_version”: “5.15.76-v8”,
“supervisor”: “2022.12.1”,
“host_os”: “Home Assistant OS 9.4”,
“docker_version”: “20.10.19”,
“chassis”: “embedded”,
“run_as_root”: true
“custom_components”: {},
“integration_manifest”: {
“domain”: “bluetooth”,
“name”: “Bluetooth”,
“documentation”: “Bluetooth - Home Assistant”,
“dependencies”: [
“after_dependencies”: [
“quality_scale”: “internal”,
“requirements”: [
“codeowners”: [
“config_flow”: true,
“iot_class”: “local_push”,
“loggers”: [
“is_built_in”: true
“data”: {
“manager”: {
“adapters”: {
“hci0”: {
“address”: “E4:5F:01:9E:EC:C3”,
“sw_version”: “homeassistant”,
“hw_version”: “usb:v1D6Bp0246d053F”,
“passive_scan”: true,
“manufacturer”: “Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd”,
“product”: null,
“vendor_id”: null,
“product_id”: null
“scanners”: [
“type”: “HaScanner”,
“discovered_devices_and_advertisement_data”: [],
“adapter”: “hci0”,
“source”: “E4:5F:01:9E:EC:C3”,
“name”: “hci0 (E4:5F:01:9E:EC:C3)”,
“last_detection”: 38060.071959083,
“start_time”: 38060.071959083
“connectable_history”: [],
“all_history”: [],
“advertisement_tracker”: {
“intervals”: {},
“sources”: {},
“timings”: {}
“adapters”: {
“hci0”: {
“address”: “E4:5F:01:9E:EC:C3”,
“sw_version”: “homeassistant”,
“hw_version”: “usb:v1D6Bp0246d053F”,
“passive_scan”: true,
“manufacturer”: “Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd”,
“product”: null,
“vendor_id”: null,
“product_id”: null
“dbus”: {
“/org/bluez”: {
“org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable”: {},
“org.bluez.AgentManager1”: {},
“org.bluez.ProfileManager1”: {}
“/org/bluez/hci0”: {
“org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable”: {},
“org.bluez.Adapter1”: {
“Address”: “E4:5F:01:9E:EC:C3”,
“AddressType”: “public”,
“Name”: “homeassistant”,
“Alias”: “homeassistant”,
“Class”: 2883584,
“Powered”: true,
“Discoverable”: false,
“DiscoverableTimeout”: 180,
“Pairable”: false,
“PairableTimeout”: 0,
“Discovering”: false,
“UUIDs”: [
“Modalias”: “usb:v1D6Bp0246d053F”,
“Roles”: [
“ExperimentalFeatures”: [
“org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties”: {},
“org.bluez.GattManager1”: {},
“org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitorManager1”: {
“SupportedMonitorTypes”: [
“SupportedFeatures”: []
“org.bluez.BatteryProviderManager1”: {},
“org.bluez.Media1”: {},
“org.bluez.NetworkServer1”: {},
“org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1”: {
“ActiveInstances”: 0,
“SupportedInstances”: 5,
“SupportedIncludes”: [
“SupportedFeatures”: [],
“SupportedCapabilities”: {
“MaxAdvLen”: 31,
“MaxScnRspLen”: 31

Screenshot 2022-12-31 195554

what can I do to use Rpi bluetooth for location?

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