Rpi4b, raspbee, hassos, deconz - no connection [SOLVED]

Hi all!

I have trouble getting my RaspBee device to work.
I am using an rPI 4b 2Gb board, and a RaspBee device, latest Hassos, latest deCONZ.

Earlier I could successfully get an identical configuration working with a ConBee II instead of a RaspBee. That is the only difference in the configuration.

I have installed the RaspBee device as specified.

ha hw info gives me:

 - /dev/ttyAMA0

So I added the configuration for the official deCONZ addon:

device: /dev/ttyAMA0

In the deCONZ log, I see this:

14:13:12:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:12:837 try to reconnect to network try=8
14:13:17:338 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:17:837 try to reconnect to network try=9
14:13:18:881 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:13:22:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:22:837 try to reconnect to network try=10
14:13:27:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:27:838 reconnect network failed, try later
14:13:28:337 start reconnect to network
14:13:28:882 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:13:30:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:33:337 device state timeout (handled)
14:13:33:347 device disconnected reason: 1, index: 0
14:13:33:589 failed to reconnect to network try=1
14:13:34:338 wait reconnect 15 seconds
14:13:34:837 void zmMaster::handleStateIdle(zmMaster::MasterEvent) not connected goto OFF state
14:13:34:838 device state timeout ignored in state 1
14:13:35:338 wait reconnect 14 seconds
14:13:36:338 wait reconnect 13 seconds
14:13:37:338 wait reconnect 12 seconds
14:13:38:338 wait reconnect 11 seconds
14:13:38:838 failed to reconnect to network try=2
14:13:38:882 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:13:39:338 wait reconnect 10 seconds
14:13:40:337 wait reconnect 9 seconds
14:13:41:338 wait reconnect 8 seconds
14:13:42:337 wait reconnect 7 seconds
14:13:43:338 wait reconnect 6 seconds
14:13:43:838 failed to reconnect to network try=3
14:13:44:338 wait reconnect 5 seconds
14:13:45:338 wait reconnect 4 seconds
14:13:46:337 wait reconnect 3 seconds
14:13:47:338 wait reconnect 2 seconds
14:13:48:338 wait reconnect 1 seconds
14:13:48:381 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:13:48:382 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:13:48:399 COM check bootloader
14:13:48:837 failed to reconnect to network try=4
14:13:48:881 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:13:50:405 COM timout query bootloader, assume application
14:13:51:837 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:53:838 try to reconnect to network try=5
14:13:54:837 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:57:837 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:13:58:838 try to reconnect to network try=6
14:13:58:881 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:03:338 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:03:837 try to reconnect to network try=7
14:14:08:338 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:08:838 try to reconnect to network try=8
14:14:08:882 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:13:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:13:839 try to reconnect to network try=9
14:14:14:136 Announced to internet https://phoscon.de/discover
14:14:14:137 discovery server date: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 13:14:14 GMT
14:14:14:138 	 local time seems to be ok
14:14:18:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:18:838 try to reconnect to network try=10
14:14:18:882 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:23:338 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:23:837 reconnect network failed, try later
14:14:24:337 start reconnect to network
14:14:26:338 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:28:881 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:29:337 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:29:589 try to reconnect to network try=1
14:14:34:314 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:34:838 try to reconnect to network try=2
14:14:38:881 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:39:338 device state timeout (handled)
14:14:39:349 device disconnected reason: 1, index: 0
14:14:39:838 failed to reconnect to network try=3
14:14:40:338 wait reconnect 15 seconds
14:14:40:837 void zmMaster::handleStateIdle(zmMaster::MasterEvent) not connected goto OFF state
14:14:40:838 device state timeout ignored in state 1
14:14:41:338 wait reconnect 14 seconds
14:14:42:338 wait reconnect 13 seconds
14:14:43:338 wait reconnect 12 seconds
14:14:44:338 wait reconnect 11 seconds
14:14:44:838 failed to reconnect to network try=4
14:14:45:337 wait reconnect 10 seconds
14:14:46:338 wait reconnect 9 seconds
14:14:47:338 wait reconnect 8 seconds
14:14:48:338 wait reconnect 7 seconds
14:14:48:880 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:49:337 wait reconnect 6 seconds
14:14:49:837 failed to reconnect to network try=5
14:14:50:338 wait reconnect 5 seconds
14:14:51:338 wait reconnect 4 seconds
14:14:52:338 wait reconnect 3 seconds
14:14:53:338 wait reconnect 2 seconds
14:14:54:338 wait reconnect 1 seconds
14:14:54:381 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
14:14:54:383 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:14:54:397 COM check bootloader
14:14:54:837 failed to reconnect to network try=6
14:14:56:404 COM timout query bootloader, assume application
14:14:57:838 device state timeout ignored in state 2
14:14:58:879 dev /dev/ttyAMA0

It doesn’t look too promising.
In the Phoscon app, I get this:


What am I missing here?

Is this supposed to work out of the box? (It did with the ConBee II)

Thank you.

One of the things the is suspicious to me is this:


Why is the device not owned by dialout?

The other thing is this one:


According to this documentation, the RaspBee RTC device needs some management. Is this handled by the deCONZ addon automatically?

If I add enable_uart=1 to config.txt, then instead of one, I get two serial devices:

So now besides ttyAMA0, there is also ttyS0. However, whichever I specify in the deCONZ configuration, the result is the same. (In the Phoscon app: “Firmware: not connected” )

Also independently of the actual configuration, I see this in the deCONZ logs:

[15:19:08] INFO: GCFFlasher V3_16 (c) dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
Path             | Vendor | Product | Serial     | Type
/dev/ttyAMA0     | 0x0000 | 0x0000  |            | RaspBee 

So does that mean that RaspBee is autodetected to be at /dev/ttyAMA0?
Does this detection override what I specify in the deCONZ config file, or is this only FYI?

But even if I configure the same thing in the config file, I get this in the log:

15:20:17:132 dev /dev/ttyAMA0
15:20:17:133 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 / serialno: , RaspBee
15:20:17:144 device disconnected reason: 4, index: 0

What am I missing here?
(Is ConBee II generally an easier option, compared to RaspBee ?)

To answer my own question:

This is what I needed in config.txt:


After adding this, everything works like charm.

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