Rpi5 install over pi-os

Hi Everyone. I set up a pi5 to run HA a few days ago, however I want the pi to have a relay board connected to it. I cannot find a way to configure the relay board without ssh connectivity.
My understanding is that there is no ssh to the pi with HA installed directly.
I am now trying to install HA over the top of a pi-os install, is there any instructions for this? I have spent quite some looking to no avail.

Thanks cue340

Try the ssh addon

thank you Arh, that looks like exactly what i need. Ill give it a try.

You can only gain full access to the Homeassistant OS via ssh using an authentication key.
This is described here: Debugging the Home Assistant Operating System | Home Assistant Developer Docs

But this will probably not be of much use to you because Homeassistant-OS does not use the GPIO pins of a RaspberryPi. Maybe via an add-on or an integration, but I don’t know.

The Homeassistant supervised installation is described here: architecture/adr/0014-home-assistant-supervised.md at 8631a749058299f2b309226e1afd508ae5c12cc2 · home-assistant/architecture · GitHub

This installation method is not recommended and it is uncertain whether it will lead to success for your project.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Hi Baxxy13 I read through the Debugging the Home Assistant Operating System | Home Assistant Developer Docs multiple times yesterday, The instructions seemed to gloss over crucial steps like " Create an authorized_keys text file (without a file extension) containing your public key(s)". I have no clue what this means, where to find it or even recognise it if it was in front of me. I found a few topics on it on the web, they turned out to be mostly debates on whether this would or would not work at all. I am honestly relieved to hear you say it wont work for me.

I also went through the supervised instructions a few times as well. But for me “not recommended” tends to translates to: build a perpetual motion machine in a day from sand… an absolutely impossible task.

I will continue to try and work out what to do with the “ssh addon” files, unlike the keys at least I have the files, no idea what to do with them or where to look to get some info, but ill keep reading anything I can find.

But thank you for the input, its pretty awesome you guys pitch in and help someone like me that has no idea. cheers.

So I have found a youtube video called: Enable SSH in Home Assistant and access files
this has instructions.
one of the instructions is to go to supervisor.

I have no supervisor so I found another video: Add Home Assistant Supervisor panel on HAOS 2023 showing how to add supervisor.

I run through both of these videos, ssh from cmd on windows now does not say access denied YAY. Dont get wrong it still doesnt work, but im possibly a bit closer, either that or I need to start from scratch to undo these errors.

this is what i get:
Host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

after creating a key, i added it to the web interface and putty.
below is the error i get.

Unable to use key file “C:\Users\cue34\hakey” (OpenSSH SSH-2 private key (new format))
Using username “root”.

im guessing one of these:
i messed up the creating the key,
i messed up the adding the key to HA,
i messed up the adding the key to ssh,
i messed up the and used private instead of public,
i messed up the and used public instead of private,
i messed up the and used private instead of finger print,
i messed up the and used public instead of finger print,
one end needs private the other need public
one end needs public the other needs private
i am using the wrong username,
i should not enter a username
i missed the area to put in the password
i missed the area to put in the passphrase
the key generator i used has made a key for a kettle and wont work on a pi
all of the above.

is there a way to turn this really excellent stuff off?

It is probably easier for you if you simply connect a monitor and keyboard to your system.
Then you can interact directly with the Home Assistant OS at the lowest level.

yep I put a monitor and keyboard on it before i put an ssd in it.
There is a cursor
and i can type
no commands are recognized
im not familiar with what this is, or how to get to a normal ssh type terminal

type: login

thank you Baxxy13, I am finally on