I use a RSS feed to get news updates on my dashboard.
I use the RSS feed of this website https://feeds.nos.nl/nosnieuwsalgemeen
I followed a tutorial from SmartHomeJunkie and bought his Blueprint.
All the helpers work but I somehow cannot get a image with the news article.
Anyone have a idea?
**{{ states('input_text.newsitem_title') }}**
*{{ states('input_text.newsitem_description') }}*
({{ as_datetime(states('input_datetime.newsitem_date')).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') }}) - [Open link]({{ states('input_text.newsitem_link') }})
{% if states('input_text.newsitem_media') != 'No media available' %}
![Media]({{ states('input_text.newsitem_media') }})
{% endif %}