RTL_433 data to HA

I am running rtl_433 on a Raspberry Pi 0 W to read a set of Acurite temperature sensors. I would like to send this data to my HA server which is on the same network (different machine). I already have the Omnilink integration which I believe uses an MQTT broker to get messages about the Omnilink devices so I presume I don’t need to add MQTT to HA. I think I know the command on the RPi to send the received Acurite info out to an MQTT broker but what do I need to do on the HA side to make this work and to add my Acurite sensors as HA devices?

I would be very grateful if anyone could please help me to get this working.
P.S. I am running HA OS 10.0 under Virtualbox on a Mac.

I managed to send a message to the MQTT broker with the iOS MQTTtool app so I have the broker accessible. Now how to add Acurite sensors to HA and have MQTT messages update their status (temperature).?

Have you taken a look at the rtl_433 HASS addon? I use that plus the MQTT autodiscovery to load everything into home assistant. It’s been bulletproof for me and I’ve been running it since 2020.

Please correct me if I am mistaken but I thought this add-on was if you were going to connect the RTL SDR to your Home Assistant server machine. In my case I am running RTL 433 on a RPi on the dame network

You’re correct. I only suggested it because putting the dongle on your Home Assistant server might be more efficient and save you from needing an additional machine on your network.

I also mentioned the addon because it might be worthwhile to look at the MQTT auto-discovery. That might work for your setup without doing anything. If nothing else, that addon should give you some ideas for loading your sensors into Home Assistant.

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Both are great suggestions. If the machine running HA was in a location that could receive the sensors, I would do it. At least I now am able to talk to the MQTT broker on HA. Now I have to see about sending the RTl data and associating with devices. Maybe Autodiscovery will help with that.

I have a basic question. I wanted to use the MQTTtool to send a message to HA to turn on/off a switch. MQTTtool permits me to Publish a message to a Topic. I presume that each device is addressed as a topic (beginning with home-assistant?). How do I determine what the Topic is for a particular device? Or do I have this all wrong? The example in the docs (using a different client) is: mosquitto_pub -h -t home-assistant/switch/1/on -m “Switch is ON” . If, for example, the device I want to switch is “Switch FR lamp”, what would the payload look like?

I made some progress. I entered the command on the RPi to read from the RTL_SDR:
rtl_433 -F “mqtt://:1883,user=,pass=,retain=1,devices=rtl”
and I can see the MQTT messages when I listen on HA. However, I don’t see any devices being created that associate with the sensors so I don’t know ho to access this information. What am I missing?

Changed the command to be: rtl_433 -F “mqtt://ipaddress:1883,user=userid,pass=password,retain=1,devices=homeassistant”

It did not seem to matter in so far as new devices being created.

@wryandginger Wait a minute. Since I was not running the RTL on my HA server, I did not install the RTL-433 addon to HA. Do I need that to have HA parse the MQTT messages and do the Auto-discovery and add devices? If so, where do I find the RTL-433 addin?

I don’t think you need the full rtl_433 addon if you’re posting the data to the MQTT server. I think the autodiscovery just reads the MQTT and makes entities for whatever it discovers, but I could be wrong.

If that’s not working, you can always do a manual MQTT sensor

You are right. I got it all working once I upgraded RTL_433 on the raspberry pi and added the auto discovery addon. Thanks!