RTSP camera and audio

Surely no two-way audio though…

Still hoping we get support for other codecs too so more cameras become compatible.

Hi guys, any updates with audio? Im using generic cameras added through UI with latest HA, but I cant hear audio when added cameras live stream to lovelaces

I have found test option for ones who uses docker
Run this container:
Run this command to trans code rtsp camera stream:

ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1   -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://yourscameraorginalstream -c copy -acodec aac  -f rtsp rtsp://ipofyourmachine:8554/mystream

After add generaic camera with this address:


I testing this with my Tapo C200 and there is picture and sound, but sound is delayed and with sound enabled stream looses frames (run the ffmpeg comand but with “-an” option to remove sound, and stream is smooth)

Have fun