RTSP camera and audio

I configured my tensor flow which trigger my camera recordings - it works like a charm. But have one problem. When I open RTSP stream from my cheap Dahua K15P in VLC I can hear sound from built in microphone. Is there any way to get it working with HASS and camera.record service? I use Generic Camera component for it.


Same question. Looking for audio. Maybe this is something the stream component doesn’t support yet?

Same question here does anyone know how to get audio on steam with hassio

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same question…any help?

I have the same issue with reolink cameras, sound and video works fine in VLC, only video works in HA.

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same. ill try to figure it out and give you guys answers


Reviving the topic, hoping someone has a solution :slight_smile:

Because service camera.record doesn’t work well I bought Xeoma app and enable recording from Home Assistant using TensorFlow. It’s quite expensive and additional modules prices are just ridiculous but main app is ok.

same here - no sound ,
camera define as:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: intercom_camera
    input: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
    extra_arguments: '-q:v 1 -r 25 -vf "scale=640:360"'

Not trying to be rude, I love HA. But I’m realizing lately that it is not an NVR and sucks when it comes to cameras, and besides previews in Lovelace, it’s probably worth just setting up motioneye or something similar


@shanem - agree

same here no audio

Same here. Would be nice to have audio and a better card interface. You can’t zoom in, it’s locked into position and it’s annoying.

hey, is there any alternative to get a camera live stream into the HA Lovelace UI wothout using the stream component? The lack of audio is really a pitty :frowning:

I will have a look at this https://github.com/Roverr/rtsp-stream/blob/e7614b8d8ce207368407a8feba4682a775aa50ce/docs/api/README.md.

looks interesting, and how will you integrate this into lovelace?

That is what I am looking at. There is another option I am looking at


I use the following workaround found on this webpage. Works for Chrome only.


Plays back audio on rtsp streams no problem.

Hi ppl!

Let me explain why audio in some cameras/dvr is not working.
HA supports a few audio codecs natively.
Most of the low/mid profile cams/dvr, uses low quality PCM audio as audio channel.
HA do not support (yet) this codec fully.
To make audio works in records, need to be transcoded. This can be done using custom FFMPEG commands (i can explain it, its no so difficult) but, using ffmpeg transcoding features impacts really bad in performance (and response times, generating a delay). More, even, in low profile hardware (like a raspberry pi)

So, the ideal solution is that HA can natively support this audio codecs. Even for 2-way audio, so, we can use cams as sound devices.

Hope this clarify a bit the scene.


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Because this is an old thread, in many cases the issue was fixed in August 2020 with this PR: Add audio to stream by uvjustin · Pull Request #38846 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

The Unifi cameras never used to have audio, and now they do, for example.