I’ve been attempting to have two HA instances (Hyper-V Vms) run at the same time. So far I’ve changed the port and the first part of the Homassistant url but it’s just not working. Both machiens boot up and I can access both of their files via samba but only one web-ui works.
I have a set bridged Switch in Hyper-V.
Is it even possible to run two HA Instances on the same server with Hyper-V?
It is possible to run two instances, but the bridge mode will be an issue, unless you have multiple netcards, so you can dedicate a netcard to each instance.
A bridge mode means all ports on the hyper-v public netcard are mapped to the ports on one specific virtual machines port in a one-to-one setup.
Two separate VMs will make sure you avoid the conflicts with ports and sockets.
My guess is that sockets is the reason to your problems.
They can not easily be configured, if at all.
Would the same issue affect 2 Virtualbox HA VMs running simultaneously within the same Vbox host (on a single physical host)?
(I want to start again, but keep the existing HA instance running until ready to switch over, and also be able to copy relevant bits from old to new)
EDIT: unexpectedly found some time and just tried it out - it seems to be working OK at the moment, but have not tested all existing integration. OK as in I can access the web interface and have set up one device so far without any niggles from NICs etc