Run an automation of a blueprint but at a specific time

Hi friends I have this script but condition time is not working, any advice?

alias: turn light on movement 
description: turn light on movement 
  path: homeassistant/motion_light.yaml
    motion_entity: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_motion_aq2_iaszone
      device_id: 2200d041323efe7700991a82370c1c6e
    no_motion_wait: 600
    condition: time
    before: "20:00:00"
    after: "07:00:00"

Is this the default home assistant Blueprint? Also is it a script or an automation blueprint? (you said script)

If you are talking about the default home assistant motion light blueprint, there are no inputs for these:

    condition: time
    before: "20:00:00"
    after: "07:00:00"

If you want to add things, you will need to edit the blueprint not the calling automation.

Otherwise if you look in the blueprint exchange you can probably find a motion light blueprint that does this. There are many motion light Blueprints in there.

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