Run Automation when lights A,B and C are ON or OFF

I have Automations that are triggered when lights in room A, B or C are ON and I have other Automations that are triggered when all lights in the rooms are OFF. These Automations then 'Action" the led lights on a Homeseer 200 switch either green or red.
I noticed that occasionally these led lights are not ‘Actioned’ which may be because I was restarting HA or for another more mysterious reason.

However I realized that when I manually run an Automation it in fact runs the Action part of an Automation without checking the Triggers or the Conditions. If running manually, this means that if the Action of an OFF Automation is to set one of the HS 200 led lights to green, then it will set that led light to green even if lights in the specific room are still ON.
In other words, is there a way to manually run an Automation that checks the trigger and conditions before actioning the Action ?

Trigger, no. You are replacing that with a manual trigger.

Conditions, yes.

Developer tools → Services.

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Thanks !!!