Run just for addons

I’m running HomeSeer for home automation, which is installed on a separate Windows 10 computer. And I’ve recently started looking into ESPHome for ESP8266/ESP32 DIY devices, and ConBee2/deCONZ for ZigBee devices.

Much of the documentation that I find is aimed towards Home Assistant, which I’ve used for a while but have moved away from for various reasons. But I think has a great system for easily adding much used addons, just like ESPHome and deCONZ. So I’m curious if it makes sense running a installation just for the addons, and leave automation and device control to HomeSeer. Would this make sense or be possible?

Sure, you can do that.

Basically just install, clear out the configuration file (to prevent autodetecting of devices on the network, which I believe is activated by default), and start installing addons, correct?

Yes, you are correct.

If you want to give even further with add-ons or Docker containers, you should install a Linux distro, Docker and Hassio following this guide by @kanga_who. Install the add-ons you want, then install other Docker containers you may be interested in. There are some interesting Docker containers for apps like Radarr, Sonarr, torrents + VPN, and more. And since add-ons are basically Docker containers, all containers can be managed through Portainer (available as add-on or Docker container).


Thank you for the input.