I want to run 2 stepper motors with 1 esp8266, the idea is that the stepper motors lock a 3 door fridge by rotating 90 degrees back and forth synchronously. My question is, is this possible en how should i wire it? Ideally I want to add an additional (hidden) button to unlock the fridge if HA fails. (If the whole system fails you can still unlock everything with a screw driver and a few minutes work)
I read about a two different options, but i’m not sure which to choose and if there are other (better) options:
- Use 2 drivers and wire them to different GPIO ports, should be possible with 8 GPIO ports. But then there is no place for the additional (emergency-)button.
- Use 2 drivers and wire them at the same 4 GPIO ports, so they should always run synchroniously. I prefer this option but i’m not sure if this works. I can provide an extra power supply if that seems necessary.
Thanks in advance!
did you make any progress with this? Instead of using a larger stepper motor, I thought about using 2 28BYJ stepper motors to increase the amount of weight i can move.
well since no one seems to know the answer to this, I went ahead and tried it. I can verify that you can indeed operate 2 28BYJ stepper motors with a single esp8266 D1-mini. Now, I don’t have a way to time them to the ms to test if they are 100% in sync but, testing and visually watching them, they do appear to be in sync and start-stop at the same time.
- platform: template
name: Stepper Control
min_value: -1400
max_value: 1400
step: 1
- stepper.set_target:
id: my_stepper1
target: !lambda 'return x;'
- stepper.set_target:
id: my_stepper2
target: !lambda 'return x;'
# Example configuration entry
- platform: uln2003
id: my_stepper1
pin_a: D4
pin_b: D2
pin_c: D1
pin_d: GPIO3
max_speed: 250 steps/s
# Optional:
acceleration: inf
deceleration: inf
- platform: uln2003
id: my_stepper2
pin_a: D7
pin_b: D6
pin_c: D5
pin_d: D0
max_speed: 250 steps/s
# Optional:
acceleration: inf
deceleration: inf
platform: template
name: step2
- stepper.set_target:
id: my_stepper1
target: 250
- stepper.set_target:
id: my_stepper2
target: 250