Recently I changed from running HassIo/Home Assistant in docker containers on Raspbian Lite, to a regular Home Assistant installation on my RPi 4. I used to have valetudo-mapper (https://github.com/rand256/valetudo-mapper) for creating the map of my Xiaomi Gen 1 vacuum cleaner.
In order to have the same result, I tried to install this docker container through the Portainer add-on in Home Asisstant. For the container to read the config file, I created the config.json in the /share/valetudo-mapper/ directory.
Next, in Portainer I configured the container by forwarding the ports (3000:3000) and the volumes; /app/config.json:/share/valetudo-mapper/config.json. Now, when I try to start the container, I get the following error message:
error while creating mount source path ‘/share/valetudo-mapper/config.json’: mkdir /share: read-only file system"
I have already tried to change map/file permission to ‘777’ through winSCP, but unfortunately it didn’t work. Anyone have some advice on how to run this container next to Home Assistant?
Thanks in advance!