Running HA and Open Hab on a single pi device

Hello folks,

There is a component that runs very well on Open Hab. I used to run Open Hab and Ha on two separate devices, now I want to have them run side by side on a single rasbbery pi devices. Is it possible to do that with out running a virtual machine. I figure since both platform run on Ubuntu there might be a way to run them side by side any help will be greatly appreciate it.

I do this, but openhab and ha (and a bunch of other things) are in their own docker containers.

But I’m also not running on a raspberry pi…openhab uses a fair chink of ram.

I have 4GB of ram on RPi 4, would that be enough?

Honestly there is only insteon inegration that works very well with scenes on openhab compared to HA thats the only reason I need openhab.

Can you get the insteon another way? Some other python based bridge?

I do the reverse, only really have HA for homekit…but started moving all my homekit to homebridge instead.

I guess 4gb should be enough, you’ll have to try it and see what the responsiveness is like

So this is the utilization after both platform installed on pi4. It is note worthy that beside few add-ons on HA there is nothing else running on any of these. I am planning to add cameras through motion eye which I am pretty sure will max out my resources.

@psyciknz HA does have an insteon component. Admittedly it is not as advanced as OpenHAB but it does work for the core functions and for most devices. The docs are here:

fxcoolby (and all other Hub users) have had issues with connectivity to the Hub but I believe a recent version of HA has fixed that. Do you use a hub or a PLM?