Running Multiple OpenZWave Intergrations


I’m currently running both US & EU Z Wave controllers on 2 docker containers of HA Core, and am looking to migrate to OpenZWave.

Is it possible instead to configure 2 OpenZWave docker containers using the 2 Z Wave controllers (posting to 2 different MQTT topics) and 2 instances of the OpenZWave HA intergration? I want to remove the other HA docker container if possible.

Yes, you’ll need to configure the OZW_INSTANCE environment variable so that the second instance uses a different number (default is 1). I haven’t tried it, but I think a single OZW integration instance should listen for all topics. I didn’t have to do anything special to get it to notice a setup with instance 2.

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Thanks for the reply, i’ll give this a shot!

It should work how @freshcoast described it above. However, none of the developers of the new component had 2 Z-Wave networks to test with, so there may be bugs. Please open an issue on GitHub if you run into any bugs.