Running sudo commands to pi. No ssh via gui

I am running home assistant on a raspberry pi. I stupidly disabled my ethernet port on my pi with “sudo ifconfig eth0 down” via the SSH interface.

I now cannot access home assistant gui ssh to run the “eth0 up” command.
I can boot my pi and access the HA cli prompt with a monitor plugged in. Is there a way to run ssh commands from HA CLI. Alternatively, how can I boot directly into the pi terminal without HA loading?

Type login at the prompt.

Thanks. When I type login, I get a # prompt. I can access the pi file system with ls, but if I try “sudo ifconfig eth0 up” or “ifconfig eth0 up” it returns “/bin/ash: sudo: not found” (or ifconfig not found)

Use nmcli

Section 3.3.2 here:

Thank you! That worked