Trying to understand how the parallel action works. Do the items within the parallel action run in parallel or does the parallel action itself run in parallel?
What I’m trying to accomplish.
Triggered by Entity State
Notify Phones via push notifications (all in parallel)
Toggle lights as well as do a time check then run script (would like these two actions in parallel), but I then another script only if the first script was executed. So that would be run sequentially in the time check parallel action to the light toggle.
This is easy to do in Node Red, but I’m struggling to put this into HA automations. Currently my automation runs sequentially, not a deal breaker, but not as nice as if I had the light toggle and speaker notification run in parallel, but the speaker notification requires a condition record.
so like this:
NOTE: the two parallel actions run sequentially, then within the first parallel action the kitchen lights run sequentially but in parallel with the study?