Russound CA4 - More than one system (4+ zones)

The current Russound was modified to allow for multiple Russound systems (serially connected). Unfortunately, it only caters for the CA6 systems that have 6 zones, but not the predecessor units that have only 4 zones. Therefor the incrementing in the does not work properly.
I can see the issue was introduced by change #96973, and in particular by code lines 89 - 93.

I shared a work around I created in my home assistant here.

I’m not a coder (or an experienced github user). Is there a better way to implement the multi system capability to cater for varying numbers of zones (or at least 4 or 6)? Alternatively, it is possible to custom modify the in your own install (I can’t find this file in my folders). Thanks for consideration. :slight_smile: