Rv fresh water tank level sensor accurate options

Morning all I have a smart rv project currently and I’m trying to find a way to monitor my tanks water level.

The tank is 125 litres and has about 1” head space when full as such ultrasonic due to minimum distance. https://www.osmotics.co.uk/products/125-Litre-Upright-Tank.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnTxOQ8NzlOMhoyNM1PJdGkPHJp3TmRsQgpcQGS_8BRVvqRZLecyrD3awaAl4REALw_wcB

I am using esphome for the majority of my sensors and would like to integrate it with this. Control board is a wemos d1 mini.

I would like something that I can use to give mostly accurate percentage volume between min max.

I’ve looked at etapes and also the floats with variable resistance output but not sure how I could use with wemos also I like the idea of a pressure sensor at the bottom as avoiding moving parts means less likely to break inside the tank as water will move around

I agree. Trying to find a similar solution too!

I went with 0-180ohm fuel level sensors connected through an adc works great

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Can you share the adc you used and some basic setup? Trying to wrap my head around this. Thank you!

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I connect the 3.3v to one wire of the sensor and then through a voltage divider into the adc pin of the wemos (you can go straight into the pin if you want to as it has an internal voltage divider. The sensor will then output a voltage between 0-1v you can then use templates to change the voltage to percentage

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Hi Nate,

Just thought i would share I’ve built a wemos based tank monitoring board you might be interested in, has facility for a ds18b20 temp sensor, drain valve control and level sensor. checkout the details on my github

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Thank you, looks like a nice board!

Are you using any filtering or anything to measure the tanks? Also are they powered all the time, or are you running a script or something to pull values every so often? Any chance you’d like to share your yaml file please? And thank you :slight_smile:

the board is powered all the time however it has such low power consumption its negligible in the grand scheme of things, Mostly just using the code built into ESP home and linear adjustments to give the correct level,

Will you be putting more V2 boards out for sale ?

I have put development of these boards on hold temporarily I will be picking up the project again soon. Follow my GitHub to keep up to date

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