RYD (TankTaler) Home Assistant integration

Would be really great to make any use of the TankTaler thing… so even that topic is not directly connected to HomeAssistant I’m happy for any input on this topic.

As the ryd support for the OBD plug ended today, I finally switched to a self hosted traccar server.

There is no need to factory reset the tracker.
It’s even a bad idea, as you would loose all settings regarding how to track (speed, directions changes, time intervals and so on).

Just swap the SIM and change the APN settings and tracking server address, that’s it.

-connect power to OBD port (4=GND; 16=12V)
-connect with a TTL-USB-Adapter 115200 8/1 flow:no
-send SMS “!R3,70,0” for reboot
-wait until you see output on the command line
-quickly enter AT$APP DEBUG ON
Then enter the following commands (change to your APN settings):

AT$APP GPRS CONTEXT 0 "internet.telekom"
AT$APP GPRS CONTEXT 1 "internet.telekom"
AT$APP PARAM 2314,0,"telekom"
AT$APP PARAM 2315,0,"tm"
AT$APP PARAM 2319,0,"yourtraccarserver.com"
AT$APP PARAM 769,0,5082

This should also be doable by sms only:

!RP,2306,0,internet.telekom (Telekom Germany APN)
!RP,2314,0,telekom (APN User)
!RP,2315,0,tm (APN Passwort)
!RP,769,0,5082 (default port for calamp)

The Tracker will use the ESN number as identifier, you can change this to the IMEI with this command ATS145=2

Whoa. Thanks for this I will try this tomorrow via the sms Commands.

I tried two different ST-902 trackers. But just couldn’t get them to communicate with my traccar server. My Phone works fine.

Now I put the AldiTalk Sim in the RYD tracker and hope I can get this to work with my traccar server.

The apn seems very strange with Aldi Talk and I can’t find anyone who could confirm this. All forums state the apn is internet.eplus.de with EPlus and gprs as login. On my phone it is just internet

Maybe someone who reads this has an idea what apn to use with AldiTalk in 2024?

I played around with the OBD device a bit today (thanks to @bt43a for the UART and debug information).
It’s a real shame that very little information about the device is publicly available.
I found some interesting commands that can be executed via the serial connection. Among others “AT$APP COMM STATUS?”, “AT$APP INBOUND?” “ATIC”, “ATI1” and “ATIV”.
Via the commands you can then see, for example, that as “Maint. Server” and “Inbound Server” are servers from Thinxcloud.
Therefore, I wonder whether it makes sense to only store the Traccar server if Thinxcloud/Tanktaler/Ryd apparently has the option to adjust the configuration at any time.
But maybe the servers are only accessible via their own ASN, so that wouldn’t be so bad?

Aldi Talk is working with the device - I can confirm.

APN:  internet.eplus.de
User: eplus
PW:   internet


I’ve successfully configured my Ryd device to send data to my personal Traccar server. Currently, I’m trying to understand the purpose of the accumulator fields labeled acc1 through acc31. Has anyone else explored these fields?

For example, I discovered that acc27 appears to be the battery voltage multiplied by 1,000. I’ve added a computed attribute for this on my Traccar server and successfully integrated it into Home Assistant. It works perfectly.

Does anyone have insights on the other accumulator fields?


Hi Joachim, maybe this documentation could help figure out what is stored on the accumulator fields. It seems there is a possibility to program some triggers with conditions…



As far as I understand, there are no calamp standard accumulators. It’s always defined by the customer. So without knowing, what ryd programmed it’s hard to guess.

Well, I tried to contact Ryd to ask more information about the accumulators and the answer was this link: https://help.calamp.com/files/references/docs/ctc_datapump_version2.pdf

But I’m afraid it probably doesn’t answer the question…

Hey guys, I set up my traccar server at home. I am just able to connect to the server via wireguard (vpn) it is possible to enable vpn connection on the rydbox? Or is there any possibility to connect to the server from outside? I have only ipv6 connection.

Best regards