Saeco Coffee Machine

Hey all,

I recently looked into getting my Saeco Gran Baristo Avanti hooked up to home assistant. Not sure if others have tried. I wanted to share my progress here - after pairing the bluetooth via my RPi (standard pairing as with any other device), I found the command below turns the machine ON after it has gone to sleep. I haven’t figured out how to do much else yet.

echo -e "connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX\nmenu gatt\nselect-attribute 2FBC0F31-726A-4014-B9FE-C8BE0652E982\nwrite 0xaa" | bluetoothctl

You will need to replace the connect address with your own. I’m curious to know if this works for anyone else! You can easily set up a switch to fire that command too.

Great @Mikekap !!!

As I am a little new to buetoothctl : can you send me or share the procedure to pair the Saeco with H.A. ?

Hello , did somebody managed to get this working ?

Hi All. AI’m the proud owner of a Seaco Xelsis Suprema espresso machine. I would like to have it integrated in my home assistant. Anyone succeeded this yet?