i am a new home assistant user.
I am trying to get data from the `https://fop.saj-electric.com/saj?login´ to use the sensors in home assistant.
i found a SAJ integration (SAJ Solar Inverter - Home Assistant) in hacs comunity.
I am runing homeassistant ios 2022.6.4 in a raspberry pi 4
i follow the installation instructios . copied the files: (init.py , manifest.json, sensor.py) at ``custom components/ saj_esolar´´ folder as it is said at the integration repossitory
my configuration yaml is the following:
sensor: !include sensor.yaml
then i have a ``sensor yaml´´ folder with the following code:
- platform: saj
name: My name
host: ip adress of may saj wifi dongle
type: wifi
username: my user name
password: my password
The result is tha when i go to the integration page of home assistans i can not find any integration nor dispositives no entities relating to saj sensors.
i also installed saj inverter modbus (GitHub - wimb0/home-assistant-saj-modbus: Home Assistant Component for reading data locally from SAJ (and Zonneplan) Inverters through modbus TCP.) following the instructions
and the integration apears at home assistant integration page with a lot of entities but anyone give any readings. allinactive.
Can anybody tell me what is wrong. is it possible that the integration is not working anymore, or ther is somthing wrong in my configuration.
thanks in advance