SAJ Solar Panel Integration

Hi All,

I have my SAJ solar panels connected to HA. Works fine, but those panels are only online during the day. When starting up, it connects to the converter and if its available it adds them to HA, but if they are down, it does not add it to HA.

When connected correctly it warns during the night that it is not available, but in the morning it connects again and works fine. Just like mentioned in the code so that’s alright.

The problem is basically, if you restart HA during the evening/night, it cannot connect to the converter and it will not reconnect in the morning if it is available again. Mostly i do my upgrades and maintenance in the evening / at night, so i always have to remember to restart it again the next morning which i always forget :slight_smile:

I tried to fix it my self in the code but did not succeed, so what would be the best way to fix this?


Does disabling/enabling back the integration help?

Thanks for your reply. I will try that tonight.

… if it works i could create an automation that does that automatically.

No i cannot disable/enable the integration because it’s not listed in the integrations list. There is no device either. I can find the entities but they have a red exclamation mark that they are not available.

I wanted to start a topic about not getting information from my SAJ the next day and thought it was a bug, but after reading this topic, I realize I restared HA several time when my SAJ is “down”. I am just starting with HA, so I play a lot with it.

So I have the same issue, after a restart during the evening/night, there is no information from SAJ. Of course it starts again when I restart HA in the morning when the invertor is up.

As said, there is no device, only the SAJ part in config file.

What can be done to trigger HA in the morning again? O btw the invertor is not always up and running at the same time, in the winter sometimes around 9.30 am and in the summer 6.30 am.

Ok, without a restart it doesn’t go well either. I left it over the night, and at the moment I see it has the status WAIT, while it already is Normal and producing energy, but HA is saying 0 Watt. It seems, that HA gives up for some reason:

Logger: pysaj
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pysaj/
First occurred: January 20, 2022, 22:32:24 (205 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:46:38

Connection to SAJ inverter is not possible. The inverter may be offline due to darkness. Otherwise check host/ip address.

So what can be done, to trigger HA to pick the SAJ up again?

After some debugging i think it’s a bug in pysaj. It does not catch the right timeout exception. If i add the “asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError” exception to the except that handles the timeouts it works much better.

In pysaj/


    async def read(self, sensors):
        """Returns necessary sensors from SAJ inverter"""

            timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=5)
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout,
                                             raise_for_status=True) as session:
                current_url = self.url_info
                async with session.get(current_url) as response:
                    data = await response.text()


        except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError, asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError,
            # Connection to inverter not possible.
            # This can be "normal" - so warning instead of error - as SAJ
            # inverters are powered by DC and thus have no power after the sun
            # has set.
            _LOGGER.warning("Connection to SAJ inverter is not possible. " +
                            "The inverter may be offline due to darkness. " +
                            "Otherwise check host/ip address.")
            return False


After adding the extra timeout error HA will continue to poll SAJ and will enable it as soon as it’s available. I’ll inform the pysaj project.

I made a merge request and hope for the best … there is not much activity in the project

Cool, going to add that part this evening.

@ferdinand I did a find on the system, but I can’t find the init file. Where is it located?

Using Synology, with docker.

I use HA core, direct on a PI, have no experience with the docker version, but in my setup it’s the file:


… and you need to restart after the change.

hmm Can’t find the file on my Docker setup.

Could be a different python version or location. Do you have ssh access to the container?

Maybe you could search for the directory:

$ locate pysaj


$ find / -name pysaj

Well I have ssh access to my Synology NAS, this is how I edit configuration.yaml for example. Locate is not available on Synology, and I did a find in the root of the file system, but no in a pysaj folder.

When I do a find on pysaj, I get about 25 hits like this:

I connected to console via portainer and then I get only 1 hit.

It’s the file:
(With double underscores before and after init)

Thanks, then I will change the one I found in the docker shell itself.

Well seems it didn’t fix it. I changed the file by adding “asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError”, gave HA een restart yesterday evening. This morning it picked up the Wait status (but did that before also) and now in the evening, the status is still wait and I have no history.

Weird, i’m running it for a few days and it solved my issue. The only possibilities i can think of is that your file is overwriten after a restart or that you have a different exception. But could you share the file so i can check if it’s the same as mine?

Yes, or maybe it’s an other/wrong file. I will check and share it later today.

Ok, here’s the complete file:

"""PySAJ interacts as a library to communicate with SAJ inverters"""
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import concurrent
import csv
from io import StringIO
from datetime import date
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    "0": "Not connected",
    "1": "Waiting",
    "2": "Normal",
    "3": "Error",
    "4": "Upgrading",

URL_PATH_ETHERNET = "real_time_data.xml"
URL_PATH_ETHERNET_INFO = "equipment_data.xml"
URL_PATH_WIFI = "status/status.php"
URL_PATH_WIFI_INFO = "info.php"

class Sensor(object):
    """Sensor definition"""

    def __init__(self, key, csv_1_key, csv_2_key, factor, name, unit='',
                 per_day_basis=False, per_total_basis=False):
        self.key = key
        self.csv_1_key = csv_1_key
        self.csv_2_key = csv_2_key
        self.factor = factor = name
        self.unit = unit
        self.value = None
        self.per_day_basis = per_day_basis
        self.per_total_basis = per_total_basis =
        self.enabled = False

class Sensors(object):
    """SAJ sensors"""

    def __init__(self, wifi=False):
        self.__s = []
                Sensor("p-ac", 11, 23, "", "current_power", "W"),
                Sensor("e-today", 3, 3, "/100", "today_yield", "kWh", True),
                Sensor("e-total", 1, 1, "/100", "total_yield", "kWh", False,
                Sensor("t-today", 4, 4, "/10", "today_time", "h", True),
                Sensor("t-total", 2, 2, "/10", "total_time", "h", False, True),
                Sensor("CO2", 21, 33, "/10", "total_co2_reduced", "kg", False,
                Sensor("temp", 20, 32, "/10", "temperature", "°C"),
                Sensor("state", 22, 34, "", "state"),
                Sensor("maxPower", -1, -1, "", "today_max_current", "W", True)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__s)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """Get a sensor using either the name or key."""
            if self[key]:
                return True
        except KeyError:
            return False

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Get a sensor using either the name or key."""
        for sen in self.__s:
            if == key or sen.key == key:
                return sen
        raise KeyError(key)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.__s.__iter__()

    def add(self, sensor):
        """Add a sensor, warning if it exists."""
        if isinstance(sensor, (list, tuple)):
            for sss in sensor:

        if not isinstance(sensor, Sensor):
            raise TypeError("pysaj.Sensor expected")

        if in self:
            old = self[]
            _LOGGER.warning("Replacing sensor %s with %s", old, sensor)

        if sensor.key in self:
            _LOGGER.warning("Duplicate SAJ sensor key %s", sensor.key)


class SAJ(object):
    """Provides access to SAJ inverter data"""

    def __init__(self, host, wifi=False, username='admin', password='admin'): = host
        self.wifi = wifi
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.serialnumber = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

        self.url = "http://{0}/".format(
        if self.wifi:
            if (len(self.username) > 0
               and len(self.password) > 0):
                self.url = "http://{0}:{1}@{2}/".format(self.username,
                self.url_info = self.url + URL_PATH_WIFI_INFO
                self.url += URL_PATH_WIFI
            self.url_info = self.url + URL_PATH_ETHERNET_INFO
            self.url += URL_PATH_ETHERNET

    async def read(self, sensors):
        """Returns necessary sensors from SAJ inverter"""

            timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=5)
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout,
                                             raise_for_status=True) as session:
                current_url = self.url_info
                async with session.get(current_url) as response:
                    data = await response.text()

                    if self.wifi:
                        csv_data = StringIO(data)
                        reader = csv.reader(csv_data)

                        for row in reader:
                            self.serialnumber = row.pop(0)
                        xml = ET.fromstring(data)

                        find = xml.find("SN")
                        if find is not None:
                            self.serialnumber = find.text

                    _LOGGER.debug("Inverter SN: %s", self.serialnumber)

                current_url = self.url
                async with session.get(current_url) as response:
                    data = await response.text()
                    at_least_one_enabled = False

                    if self.wifi:
                        csv_data = StringIO(data)
                        reader = csv.reader(csv_data)
                        ncol = len(next(reader))

                        values = []

                        for row in reader:
                            for (i, v) in enumerate(row):

                        for sen in sensors:
                            if ncol < 24:
                                if sen.csv_1_key != -1:
                                        v = values[sen.csv_1_key]
                                    except IndexError:
                                        v = None
                                    v = None
                                if sen.csv_2_key != -1:
                                        v = values[sen.csv_2_key]
                                    except IndexError:
                                        v = None
                                    v = None

                            if v is not None:
                                if == "state":
                                    sen.value = MAPPER_STATES[v]
                                    sen.value = eval(
                                        "{0}{1}".format(v, sen.factor)
                                sen.enabled = True
                                at_least_one_enabled = True
                        xml = ET.fromstring(data)

                        for sen in sensors:
                            find = xml.find(sen.key)
                            if find is not None:
                                sen.value = find.text
                                sen.enabled = True
                                at_least_one_enabled = True

                    if not at_least_one_enabled:
                        if self.wifi:
                            raise csv.Error
                            raise ET.ParseError

                    if sen.enabled:
                        _LOGGER.debug("Got new value for sensor %s: %s",
                            , sen.value)

                    return True
        except (aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError, asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError,
            # Connection to inverter not possible.
            # This can be "normal" - so warning instead of error - as SAJ
            # inverters are powered by DC and thus have no power after the sun
            # has set.
            _LOGGER.warning("Connection to SAJ inverter is not possible. " +
                            "The inverter may be offline due to darkness. " +
                            "Otherwise check host/ip address.")
            return False
        except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError as err:
            # 401 Unauthorized: wrong username/password
            if err.status == 401:
                raise UnauthorizedException(err)
                raise UnexpectedResponseException(err)
        except csv.Error:
            # CSV is not valid
            raise UnexpectedResponseException(
                str.format("No valid CSV received from {0} at {1}",,
        except ET.ParseError:
            # XML is not valid or even no XML at all
            raise UnexpectedResponseException(
                str.format("No valid XML received from {0} at {1}",,

class UnauthorizedException(Exception):
    """Exception for Unauthorized 401 status code"""
    def __init__(self, message):
        Exception.__init__(self, message)

class UnexpectedResponseException(Exception):
    """Exception for unexpected status code"""
    def __init__(self, message):
        Exception.__init__(self, message)