Samba Backup: Create and store backups on a Samba share

Hi there,
is there a chance to move the “storage pre check” to the start time of the backup and not the start of the addon?

I’m using one of my NAS for backups, wich is powered on for this purpose only (once a week(end)).
every time I restart/reload HA during the week (updates/upgrades/changes) the backup fails afterwards since the NAS is not available during Samba Backup startup. But it’s not needed at that point.

it would be great to get a warning only if the config couldn’t verified due to missing storage target but the AddOn starts anyway and shows errors if the target is still not available when the backup really starts.

and an automatic WoL command to the NAS (for my old, extremely slow NAS at least 10 minutes in advance) would be nice, but can archived by an extra automation.

a schedule for retries if a backup fails (due to target unavailable) would be a great feature as well

Hi all,
I would like to know

  1. how to work with encrypted backup (via backup password ) is there any way how to open homeassistant.tar file in the compressed encrypted file and grab a short excerpt from config to work with it?
  2. how to restore HA from the encrypted backup?

Yeah there is. Search the forum, someone created a Python script to decrypt them.

My advice would be to avoid password protection though. Makes actually using your backups more difficult than it needs to be.

Unless you are storing your backups somewhere public (which IMO is an even worse idea).

Hi all,
i use to keep track of my backup job execution, and in case one backup fail it send me a notification. It would be great to add to Samba Backup, the ability to run a script at start and at the end of backup, in order to ping via its API.


Confimed, this does the trick for me!!


looks like that after a few days, the backups stop working and revert either to the stock config or an old config I made in the beginning, but only regarding the scheduled time :

They start at 4am, but my NAS is off at that time :

The config :

I noticed the backups stop, and the addon has a red icon and needs a restart.
After restarting, backups are starting to work again at 23h00 :

Any idea ?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Once again, the addon stopped working after suddenly trying to run at 4am instead of 11pm :

Looks like the watchdog is also not doing its job

edit : looks like it fails every sunday, investigating.

I have an auto reboot running every sunday at 4am

edit2 : is this the solution ?? hassio-addons/samba-backup/ at 373b8c5ca49e54e2355e9b8f167fed0b25ac1ffe · thomasmauerer/hassio-addons · GitHub
edit3 : no looks like it’s unrelated to my issue

Another week, another reboot, another error :frowning:

Exact same behavior.
Looks like the Watchdog is not working.

edit :
I created this automation as a workaround :

alias: Samba Backup Fix
description: Starts the samba backup service
  - platform: time
    at: "05:00:00"
condition: []
  - action: hassio.addon_start
    metadata: {}
      addon: 15d21743_samba_backup
mode: single

I don’t like this as a solution, but I’m out of ideas.


Thank you for this great add-on. I jut miss 1 thing, being able to snapshot/backup instantly from the add-on (settings) screen. Whenever i need an instant snapshot i now have to change the time of the backup to 2-3 minutes in the future to force the backup and wait for it to happen. It would be nicer to have a button to force a backup straight away. You might wonder why? Well, whenever you wish to install/update critical stuff you would want an instant update/snapshot before and after installing and configuring.

Maybe you could add this?

Thank you.

There is an action to start a backup right away. I have this script for example:

  alias: Backup to NAS
  mode: single
    - action: hassio.addon_stdin
        addon: 15d21743_samba_backup
        input: trigger

Then add the script entity to the dashboard

I just have a button card for that on my dashboard…

type: button
name: Manual Samba Backup
icon: mdi:database
show_name: true
show_icon: true
  action: perform-action
  perform_action: hassio.addon_stdin
show_state: true