Samba Backup: Create and store backups on a Samba share

Sorted with a complete reboot of the OS, not just restart of HA. Seems HA had a hiccup somewhere thinking it was offline. Meanwhile, I was remotely connected to it from a different country and was struggling with this nonsense.

the last 14 daily backups using samba backup where not able to restore. I tried using the HA onboard process and also creating an HA instance and restoring from systems/backup. Nothing worked.

To resolve I fortunatly had the orginal HA vm so I removed samba backup and used HA to create a backup and this restored OK.

Samba backup is now coming nowhere near my system. I run a fairly vanilla version of HA so cannot understand why it didnt restor. I would caution using this without testing your restore files actually work

Iā€™m getting the following error in Samba Backup Protocol:
Failed to get 15d21743_samba_backup logs, e.callApiRaw is not a function
No protocol is displayed.

Home Assinstant:

  • Core: 2024.10.4
  • Supervisor: 2024.11.2
  • Operating System: 13.2
  • Frontend: 20241002.4

I am running HA on a synology NAS.
Thanks and kind regards

Me too. Same error when I try to access add-on logs. Started after upgrading to Supervisor 2024.11.2 (no, really, it didā€¦)

Edit: Also, the upgrade doesnā€™t seem to have created a backup as it should have done, so Iā€™m a bit stuckā€¦

HA 2024.11 is needed to get logs again

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On my Proxmox Install it seems that this Addin is also responsible for a slow but permanent increase in Memory Usage. Usually I start at around 4GB of Ram. Then after the Backup ran it increased to 9 GB. Then the next night ended up with 16 GB.
This is reproducable in my environment. 2024.11.0 Core with 2024.11.2 Supervisor on Proxmox 8.2.0; HA as virtual machine NOT LXC.

A real pitty, I liked this Addon. Since I disabled it all is fine