Samba Share Add On error - Won't start

I had a problem (SD card error maybe?) last night after creating a snapshot and then trying to restart home assistant. I reflashed the SD Card, reinstalling HASSIO. When my Raspberry Pi finished setting everything back up I, installed Samba Share, copied in a backup snapshot and pressed Restore Selected (meant to do "Wipe & Restore but hit the wrong one). Everything seemed to set up right, but when I went to access the files using Samba, it isn’t working. I can still see hassio in Networks in Finder, but can’t access it. Pressing Connect As brings up this error:

In the Hassio tab, the Samba add-on refuses to start, and in the logs I can see this error showing up, a lot:
ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [hassio.docker] Can't start addon_core_samba: 403 Client Error: Forbidden ("endpoint with name addon_core_samba already exists in network host")

I tried doing Wipe & Install with the snapshot, thinking maybe it was because I just pressed restore before, but it’s still not working.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Do I need to reflash the drive again, and start over?

I don’t believe if you use the Configurator add-on you can access the addon folders.

If you can access it another way (maybe via FTP) could you uninstall it, remove the folder behind the scenes and then have another attempt at installation?

Couldn’t get FTP to work either. Made sure all my yamls were saved on my mac, reflashed the drive and copied everything in instead.
Thanks for your help

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