Samba Share broken

Not sure if anybody can help me. I have been trying to fix my samba share which hasn’t been working for a couple of weeks. Or certainly not the discovery part in windows 10.
The dilema I have is I have changed my router and updated HA last month at the same time…so I am not sure if its an OS thing or a firewall problem. I have HA on a VLAN and can see the other computers on the normal LAN but not HA…I am using SMB 1 which I know has lots of security issues but I have no choice as the NAS storage I use can only use this protocol…I can ping HA from the LAN with no issues but not sure what else to try…When I did the OS update 7 everything went a bit funky and I lost the abitlity to ping HA…I had to downgrade to OS 6.6 and try again and it worked the second time…To be sure I did a fresh install of the OS 7 and did a backup restore of my data but still nothing gives…

Did you go to add-ons → Samba → configuration and reset the ip addresses allowed if needed?

Did the new router assign the same IP addresses? Did you make them static in the router?

Not quite sure what you mean by reset the ip address allowed do you mean allow hosts ??
I have


which should cover all eventualities
The UDM pro has HA assigned as a reserved DHCP address
I think the problem is Samba being assigned as a master browser and it isn’t being seen across the network…?? I might be wrong…There was some changing in the HA December update that altered
MQTT/DHCP/ZeroConf/USB/SSDP Discovery. I wondered if that had anything to do with it

yes the allow_hosts and deny_hosts.

And I assume your workgroup is the same across the network?

I also specifically named my server that hosts HA and the machine that I normally work from in allow_hosts.

Is your vlan on a separate sub-net? Is it included in allow_hosts?

I am a linux shop - no MS windows machines and I upgraded this morning with no problems. Samba working normally

I don’t have any deny_hosts set
I have 192.168.20.xx as a vlan and 192.168.1.xx as the lan
I assumed


would cover this…

It should cover everything.

Is your compatibility_mode set to true since you want to use SMB1?

compatibility_mode: true

Yes it is set to true…
I said before its been working absolutely fine until I changed to a UDM Pro and updated HA together…School boy error should have done one at a time…Actually I did have it working on the UDM Pro…they also did an update…I’m getting confused…So its either the UDM pro update or the HA update that has broken it…just not sure which one…

UDM Pro is more likely as HA/SAMBA is working for me and I am up to date with Core 2021.12.7, OS 7.1 and samba 9.5.1.

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OK well thanks very much for your kind input…I’ll start looking at the UDM Pro…I guess it must be a port issue…Glad to hear your one is working with the latest updates…

Sorry I couldn’t help you resolve it. When you find the solution would you please post it. Maybe it will help someone else.


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Yes of course…