Samba share on docker host is working but I can't see inside docker container

Hi, I add samba share on host to /share/volumes/smb folder using this turtorial:

And is working ok.

But when I go to docker container I can find only local folder /share/volumes/smb.

I also added this in addon config.json file:

But no joy:(

You haven’t provided too much information in your post, but after you mount the cifs share on your host, you need to start your docker container with the volume mapping (-v HOSTVOL:CONTAINERVOL)

Docker config and container config should not need any escalations to do this.

thx for reply,

This is addon I made.

In addon config.json file I added:
"map": ["share:rw"],

So I can see “share” folder in container and I can see folder in witch I add smba share.

On host I have access to files inside samba share /share/volumes/smb, Inside container I can’t access files. Folder is empty.

Apologies, but it looks as though you’re having problems at too basic of a level for me to diagnose or help. For example, if you mount the directory when running with -v /share/volumes/smb:/share, you will be able to access the folder in the container as /share. If you cannot, then you’re running into a configuration/permissions issue on your host mount or container configuration.

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I am mounted share, here is my complete config.json

  "name": "KODI 18.6 with SMB",
  "version": "dev-0.1.0a",
  "slug": "kodi_18_smb",
  "description": "KODI 18.6 media center with samba store add-on!",
  "arch": ["armhf", "armv7"],
  "startup": "before",
  "boot": "auto",
  "ports": {
    "8080/tcp": 8080
  "devices": [
  "privileged": ["SYS_ADMIN","DAC_READ_SEARCH"],
  "full_access": "true",
  "map": ["share:rw"],
  "options": {},
  "schema": {}

The problem is that protection mode was enabled. Now is working:)