Samba share to HA

Samba does not work over port 8123.

In windows explorer (the file manager, not the web browser!) Type in the address with two leading BACKslashes, not FORWARD slashes, like \\

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This is my Samba Share config and it’s working fine.

workgroup: MATRIX
username: homeassistant
password: not_shown_here
  - fe80::/10
  - ._*
  - .DS_Store
  - Thumbs.db
  - icon?
  - .Trashes
compatibility_mode: false
interface: ''

My PC is in the workgroup MATRIX as well.

Check if the addon is even running. If yes check the addon’s log.

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once again from scratch…

This is the IP of my RaspPi

so which IP should i type in here???

there is a response…

and my RasPi is already shown here in networks but when i want to run it there always the same issue---->


This issue is already known and reportet →

I tried a couple of things along this descriptions with no success …my OpSystem is Win11 and a few settings are different to win10 an so i cant set everything like in the vids

Sad but true, unbelieveable :cry::disappointed_relieved::sweat:

…and i have also deactivated the windows firewall and antivirus → no success

Can anybody go to my pc via teamviewer oder anything else?!? I will pay for it :sob:

The only address you should be trying to connect to is \\

All other attempts you are trying are wrong, unless you know the hostname of your box.

All the screenshots you’ve provided are not connection to \\

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And you still haven’t translated your error messages.

And your host’s list only needs to contain this:


I gave up…

—> google drive!

I have found a solution, go to:

Control Panel User Accounts Credential Manager Windows Credentials Add a Windows credential

Add the hostname or ip, without ****, then user and password, with that you will be able to access the HA folders without problems.

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Doesnt work :cry:

Check the logs to see if it is trying to use ipv6 to connect to the Samba share, this was my problem. You don’t have fe80::/10 in your allowed hosts which I believe is present by default. This may be different since April.

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Thank you :smiley: - was searching for the same thing. I had the add on installed - toggled autoupdate etc. and restartet HA. However, connection through network did not work. I missed out to start the add-on after the HA reboot giggle - once startet I could connect to the share with the credentials I have given in the add-on configuration section.

Thanks a lot. This worked for me.