Samba Share will not save even basic Config

Hi, New to Samba Share so hope this isn’t a daft question.

I’ve repeatedly tried to get Samba Share ( on a RPi) to save the Config.

After install the line ‘fe80::/10’ is showing in red. Removing the apostrophies makes the text black. Either way red or black, username/workgroup/password or not, whatever I do is bringing up a message similar to the following:-

Failed to save addon configuration, not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘options’]. Got {‘workgroup’: ‘WORKGROUP’, ‘username’: ‘homeassistant’, ‘password’: None, ‘interface’: ‘’, ‘allow_hosts’: [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘fe80::/10’], ‘veto_files’: [’._*’, ‘.DS_Store’, ‘Thumbs.db’, ‘icon?’, ‘.Trashes’]}

I would expect it to work ‘out of the box’ but however I play it it refuses to save the config.


Just did a fresh install of Hassio on a Rpi. I installed Samba share 9.2.0. There is no place to edit or save the configuration.

having the same problem, Still looking for an answer

Bob T.

Guys, are you expecting Config to be at the bottom of the page like UTube vids? It’s now in a light grey tab at the top.
Took me a while to realise so maybe others having same issue

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Still have issues with SambaShare. Only once have I got a laptop to recognise & display Hassio on Network
Luckily what I have found is that when SS is running I can map drives on my PC to a folder on my RPi.

Just stopping by to bump this topic as I’m facing the same issue. I don’t use Samba Share daily, so I don’t really know when this started, but it just won’t start, and I’m also not able to change the configuration anymore.

EDIT: I got it to work all of a sudden. It seems that it does not support the secret notation anymore:
password: '!secret sambapwd'

Also, password needs to be in single quotes. That’s why the default config does not work either.

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