Hi, New to Samba Share so hope this isn’t a daft question.
I’ve repeatedly tried to get Samba Share (Hass.io on a RPi) to save the Config.
After install the line ‘fe80::/10’ is showing in red. Removing the apostrophies makes the text black. Either way red or black, username/workgroup/password or not, whatever I do is bringing up a message similar to the following:-
Failed to save addon configuration, not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘options’]. Got {‘workgroup’: ‘WORKGROUP’, ‘username’: ‘homeassistant’, ‘password’: None, ‘interface’: ‘’, ‘allow_hosts’: [‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘fe80::/10’], ‘veto_files’: [’._*’, ‘.DS_Store’, ‘Thumbs.db’, ‘icon?’, ‘.Trashes’]}
I would expect it to work ‘out of the box’ but however I play it it refuses to save the config.
Guys, are you expecting Config to be at the bottom of the page like UTube vids? It’s now in a light grey tab at the top.
Took me a while to realise so maybe others having same issue
Still have issues with SambaShare. Only once have I got a laptop to recognise & display Hassio on Network
Luckily what I have found is that when SS is running I can map drives on my PC to a folder on my RPi.
Just stopping by to bump this topic as I’m facing the same issue. I don’t use Samba Share daily, so I don’t really know when this started, but it just won’t start, and I’m also not able to change the configuration anymore.
EDIT: I got it to work all of a sudden. It seems that it does not support the secret notation anymore: password: '!secret sambapwd'
Also, password needs to be in single quotes. That’s why the default config does not work either.