I would like to automate notifications for event per sensor. In my actual case I want to check every humidity sensor if it is higher than a given number, if yes I would like to trigger a notify.notify. This should be done per sensor basis, like it would be the case if only one sensor where defined. I try to avoid to write the same automation code for every sensor.
So my target is to define one automation and apply it to multiple sensors.
Right now it seems that it only trigger the action when all entities reach the > 60 state. I also would like to send the notification with the actual entity name which reached the > 60 state.
Is there an easy way to do that or maybe I do something wrong? (without writing 30 automation for 30 sensors)
I have an automation that alerts me when the temperature in my IT cupboard gets above 30C, but after that it continues sending alerts as the temperature rises. Rather than have a specific temperature as the trigger (which would only fire once), it fires whenever the temperature changes if it is above 30C. Then a condition checks to see whether the temperature is higher than it was on the last alert.
- id: '1626777655149'
alias: Study IT cupboard too hot
description: Sends SMS message when study IT cupboard gets too hot
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.wirelesstag_it_cupboard_temperature
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state | float > 30 }}'
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.wirelesstag_it_cupboard_temperature
above: input_number.it_cupboard_temperature
- service: notify.mobile
message: Temperature in study IT cupboard is {{ states('sensor.wirelesstag_it_cupboard_temperature')
priority: normal
device: REVOVIEW IMO Q4 Pro
- service: logbook.log
name: Temperature
message: SMS notification sent - study cupboard {{ states('sensor.wirelesstag_it_cupboard_temperature')
- service: input_number.increment
entity_id: input_number.it_cupboard_temperature
mode: single
Could this be adapted somehow? With the “many other sensors” in the conditional part of the action? Maybe not - you still have to monitor them all somehow.
I removed the for parameter and now it seems to work fine now. It seems that the trigger get fired when one entity reach the > 60 state. I think this would also solve your “problem” that you get a notification everything, because HA make sure that the trigger will only fire once.
The only thing which is left is the friendly name. I can only get the entity_id, not the friendly name
- service: notify.notify
title: Humidity
message: Humidity over 60% in {{ trigger.entity_id }} {{ trigger.name }}
I now get Humidity over 60% in sensor.humidity1
trigger.name don’t get resolved to a name. Do you know how to get the friendly name, the entity_id is not really nice to read.