Same device multiple times in known_devices

As some of you may have noticed I am having trouble with modifying properties (name/picture/icon etc.) of my entitites.

Now I found that my devices exist multiple times in my known_devices.yaml, For example my phone exitsts about 10 times with the same mac_address in known_devices.
I think that when I modify one in customize.yaml Hassio does know which one to modify.

How can I change this, and what do I have to do when I want new devices to be discovered.

When I saw in the past that I had multiple entries for the same MAC in my known-devices.yaml, I just kept one and deleted the copies - worked fine and I did not get multiple entries bei created any more.
Wasn’t necessary for a long time but I hope it would still work.

@chairstackers: I have done that for two devices now and it is a lot of work. There are about 6000 line in my known_devices.yaml now while I it should be about 10% of that I guess.

Wow - that’s a lot. Sorry to hear that.

You wouldn’t happen to have a backup of the file from before it multiplied?
That saved me a lot of time on one occasion.

At the top of known_devices.yaml, after the devices you want to keep, put this line:


Then create a shell_command in config yaml:

  clean_knowndevices: /bin/bash /config/

Then create an automation to run that shell command when HA starts:

- id: 'cleanknowndevices'
  alias: Clean out Known Devices
  initial_state: 'true'
  - event: start
    platform: homeassistant
  - service: shell_command.clean_knowndevices

Finally, create in config directory (with config yaml) and make it executable…

/bin/sed -i '/#end-of-my-devices#/q' /config/known_devices.yaml

from ssh… chmod +x

Then everytime HA restarts it will get rid of extra devices. If there are new ones you want to keep, just move them up above the line.


Thank you for this. I implemented it …now I have to wait if it works.

Next day … so far so good :slight_smile:

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