Samsung device tracker

Does anyone knows What is causing samsung Phone tracker to disconnect? It’sa router (Deco m9) tracker, not the companion app tracker. Some searching suggests deep sleep but i have not yet found how to disable it.
The Bottom tracker is from an iphone so I think it’s related to settings and not a router issue. All 3 Phones are connected the whole time.

Anyone else experience the Same behaviour?

It is quite normal for some Android phones to disconnect from wireless and remain on data when they go to sleep after a certain period of time.

The usual cure for the situation is to keep the phone connected on Wi-Fi all the time, which is a hidden setting under the developer settings that you must first enable.

It may also be possible to extend the consider home setting for the device tracker so that your phone will be considered to be home for I don’t know maybe two minutes or one minute and that will allow for short Wi-Fi disassociation periods without considering you offline.

Samsung do now and then add power saving features and the forget to add settings to control them in their UI.

didn’t see any setting under developer mode that could keep wifi connected at all time. do you know the exact setting name perhaps? i’m playing around with the consider home time (is already at 180s) the bursts are usually around 60-120 s but could extend up to +/- 420s what is al long time imo

It is in the phone settings, but I gave up on Samsung and got a Nokia instead.
Nokia is Vanilla Android.