The problem is when my Nvidia Shield turns the Frame TV off it doesn’t go into art mode. If you use the Samsung remote of course it does. To keep the 1-remote simple life - I set an automation that triggers when the TV is turned off (in this case via CEC by the shield) the automation “turns the frame off” via the add-on below, which means it uses the “power button” that the Samsung remote would normally use, but the TV turns on again then off. I don’t understand why.
If you enable “Power button switch to art mode (Frame TV only)” advanced option in the add-on then you have to use the power button this is what I do:
- type: turn_off
device_id: xxx
entity_id: xxx
domain: remote
enabled: true
I would like to use the service: samsungtv_smart.set_art_mode
but I couldn’t get that to work on first pass so if anyone can share their automations that they used for this specific integration I’d love to see! Thanks
Or if they could tell me how to use it properly, I tried calling a service samsungtv_smart.set_art_mode
but that didn’t work because maybe the TV is already off?