Samsung S22 Home Assistant App Welcome Screen returns


My wife bought a new Samsung S22 Ultra (yes, it’s an expensive women).

So, I’ve installed the Home Assistant app, the welcome screen appears, I fill in the Nabu Casa Address, my login and password and it works.

But when I close the home assistant app and restart the app, the welcome screen appears again. I can click on “next”, click my Nabu Casa Address what is already filled in, no username and password necessary and the app is working.

But every time I start the Home Assistant app, the welcome screen appears.

And when I choose “settings”, all my other phones I can choose “Companion app settings” but on this phone the function is not there.

All my other phones are working fine but this Samsung S22 not, every time when I start the app, the welcome screen appears.

In the Android settings, I give the Home Assistant app all the rights, storage, phone, contacts, and so on but no result.

I’ve re-installed the app and update the app but no result.
I’ve made a new user, no admin, same problem. Log in as admin, same problem, login as a admin user, same problem.

Any idea?

if the Companion App option is missing only on this phone then the app was unable to communicate with the HA frontend. Just out of curiosity if you connect to the local IP directly instead of nabu casa URL does it work as expected?

@dshokouhi, when I click on “next” on the welcom-screen and click on the Nabu Casa address, the app is working fine and I can controll everything so the app can communicate with the HA frontend.
I haven’t tried with the internal address, I will try soon.