Samsung Smart Home API

Has anyone looked into adding HA support for the Samsung Smart Home API?

You have to apply for access as a partner but it would be nice to add support for their washing machines etc.

I’ve registered for an account and I have received an API key the next day and now have access to the documentation.

The api looks straight forward and is designed for server to server communication.
To integrate this in to home assistant we would need to set up a service that acts as a proxy to communicate with Samsung on our behalf.
The samsung api uses oauth for authentication.
You would login to this service with your samsung account to authenticate you with the service and then setup a connection from your home assistant instance to communicate with this middle service.

I’m new to python but not programming in general so i’d like to give a try to writing a server to do this.
If anyone has any advice on where to start that would be good.
If someone knows if there is an existing project that does something similar please let me know.


Would love to see this added and somehow tied into the Samsung PowerBot smart Vacuum

Any chance anyone has looked into this?

any update?