Samsung SmartThings Button Config for Zigbee2MQTT

Hi All,

I have just migrated to Zigbee2MQTT and previously used my SmartThings button to trigger a flow to set the house up for bedtime at night. Below is the beginning of the flow where I used the zha event scanner and deviceID nodes to control the single press, double press & hold of the buttom

I have paired the smartthings button in zigbee2mqtt and it’s recognizing the various button pushes. My question is how do I now edit the flow so that the button pushes work again

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

Hi @Richdem,

I have just done the same and am in the same position as you are… I am using an Aqara button and can see the following in the hass log when i press the button in different ways but i’m not sure how to configure the event node in node-red.

PS ignore the fronius errors - the inverter goes offline at night (unrelated)

This is the final piece of the jigsaw for me lol

I might play around later today and in the meantime hopefully a “Node Red” Guru will offer some assistance.

I have been surprised how easy the Zigbee2MQTT transition has been. I was worried about my Node Red flows I created for door and motion sensors but all I had to do was change the entity to match the new name. I actually like the fact that all entities of any device were named as per the device. It is much easier picking an entity now. The zha naming convention for my smartthings & aqara devices wasn’t the best

ok i got it working…

I used:

What i found was that pressing the button actually triggered multiple events so I basically set it to trigger on is not “nothing” and then put a debug node in to capture the output… i could then see the “single” (single click) event come through followed strangely by “” and then “None”

hope this helps (guessing yours will be a little different as it is a different device)

and yeah, I’m seeing some stuff I like a lot better than zha. hardest part was getting all the containers to talk to each other :slight_smile:

Thank you,

I am not the most experienced when it comes to Node Red, I will take a look later. The built in automations in Home Assistant have come a long way since I created my bedtime flow so it wouldn’t be too horrific to set them up there but I’d prefer to use Node Red if I can


Can you please share your flow so I can take a look,

My state changed sensor only has one output, yours has two

I figured it out after using a debug node like you suggested. My Samsung buttons also send multiple messages so I just insert a node to limit 1 msg/4s which stops the action triggering multiple times. I had to reconfigure the switch to use the messages for the single, double & hold outputs I got from the debug window.

That is the final piece placed lol. Super happy now. Appreciate your help