Samsung Smartthings button - not showing in HA?

Hey all,
i followed the instructions here:
however i dont see all the features of a “button” in HA?

all im getting is:

  • temp
  • battery

i want to be able to run automations when the button is pressed, however im not sure how to do that?
i saw some other notes on that link about a payload (example below) however where would i find this sorry?

  "component_id": "main",
  "device_id": "42a16cf2-fef7-4ee8-b4a6-d32cb65474b7",
  "location_id": "2a54b9fa-f66c-42d9-8488-d8f036b980c8",
  "value": "pushed",
  "name": "Scene Button"

Yeah… the ST button works… differently. You need to listen for zha events (single click, double click).

(And you dont even need the ST integration unless you need it for other ST stuff. I’m using it with my zigbee/zwave stick directly.)

When I get home, I will send you my config and how I use it in my setup which should help.

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thanks! so do i need another device/stick to read the button press action?

You’ll need a zigbee stick, if you dont have one already, yes. (Or if you have a smartthings hub, the use that.)

The HUSBZB-1 works well, it’s what I’m using.

I have the Samsung Hub v3 :smile:

Then if you’re using the ST hub, and the ST integration in HA… then that’s all you should need.

Here’s the automation I’m using with my ST button. It listens for the zha event (button_single), and then controls a zibgee bulb on/off with different settings depending on time. (Full bright, neutral white during the day, and dim warm white after 9pm.)

The important piece for what you need is the trigger containing the ZHA-event, command and device ieee, then you can use that trigger for whatever you want to interact with.

- id: MasterColorChange
  alias: Lights - Master Bedside
  - event_data:
      command: button_single
      device_ieee: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    event_type: zha_event
    platform: event
  - data_template:
      entity_id: "{% if states.light.master_bedroom.state == 'off' and (now().hour\
        \ >=21 or now().hour < 7) %}\n  scene.master_nightlight\n{% elif states.light.master_bedroom.state\
        \ == 'off' and (now().hour >=7 and now().hour < 21) %}\n  scene.master_bedroom_on\n\
        {% else %}\n  light.master_bedroom\n{% endif %}\n"
    service_template: "{% if states.light.master_bedroom.state == 'off' %}\n  scene.turn_on\n\
      {% else %}\n  light.turn_off \n{% endif %}\n"
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thanks for the guidance so far!!
where do i get teh ZHA-event and Device_iee sorry?

is it this value, found in the ST api UI?

Yeah… that’s the ieee.

You’ll write an automation that listens zha_event. (You might be able to do I through the UI, or just copy/paste my code into your automations.yaml file and edit as necessary.

thanks, worked it out, its the unique ID

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I have tried taking @MandM78 code and changing the device_ieee to match mine as well as trying to change the command type from button_single to pushed and neither are working. I have the button integrated into the ST Interface and am also able to see the battery and temp but the button push does not trigger my action. Where did you locate the unique ID?

You could try going into developer tools -> events and at the bottom put in zha_events and “start listening” and then click the smartthings button.

If it’s connected properly you should start seeing the events in the log, and the proper device id should be in the logged info.

Can anyone confirm getting this working with a SmartThings Hub without a zigbee stick?

I am relatively new to HA (Home Assistant). Migrating from Smartthings.
I am having the same problem. I have a Smartthings Button, that does not show up on HA. I can only see entities (battery) and (temperature). I try listening to events ZHA_EVENTS; but nothings is happening when I press the button.
Hoping to get help to get further.`

hey, I migrated over and all is working fine.
I also only have the temp & battery show up but thats expected.

I have a few buttons but here is an example for lights on/off
here is an exmaple if that helps:


- id: LivingRoomButtonPressedOnce
  alias: Living Room Button Pressed Once
    platform: event
    event_type: deconz_event
      id: living_room_button_st_dz
      event: 1002
  - service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: group.room_living_room_all_lights_group

- id: LivingRoomButtonPressedTwice
  alias: Living Room Button Pressed Twice
    platform: event
    event_type: deconz_event
      id: living_room_button_st_dz
      event: 1004
  - service: homeassistant.turn_off
    entity_id: group.room_living_room_all_lights_group

under developer tools, events, i pressed the button once, then twice.

Thank you for your reply. I got it working.
Using Node Red. I use the node EVENT node with EVENT TYPE “smartthing.button”.
This node is followed by a node SWITCH with 3 rules “pushed”, “double” or “press” and I take action from there. Very easy to use and integrate in my flows.