Samsung SyncThru Obtaining the Pagecount

Is there any way to get a access to the page count for my samsung m3820nd printer

the value is returned in the toner_black field

if I call http://Printers_IP_Address/sws/app/information/home/home.json i can see this block

toner_black: {
		opt: 1,
		remaining: 84,
		cnt: 898,
		newError: ""

but the sensor.samsung_sl_m3820nd_toner_black only seems to have a value for the remaining field

if the integration can not provide this value is there a way to call and parse the json myself ?

any help gratefully received

If anyone is interested the info can be extracted from the following url


this script will locate the values and write them to a file PageCount.txt formatted as CurrentCartridgePages!TotalPages

The file is monitored by a File sensor allowing the state to be manipulated as required


rm -f $FILE

/usr/bin/wget -q http://Printer_IP_Add/sws/app/information/supplies/$FILE

tr -d '\r' < $FILE | tr -d '\t' | tr -d ':' | tr -d ',' > $TEMPFILE

TONERPAGECOUNT=`grep cnt $TEMPFILE | head -1 | sed 's/cnt //'`

TOTALPAGECOUNT=`grep fuser_kit $TEMPFILE  | head -1 | sed 's/fuser_kit *//'`


Ive just discovered this is actually available in the attributes of the sensor

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Toner Page Count"
        entity_id: sensor.samsung_sl_m3820nd_toner_black
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.samsung_sl_m3820nd_toner_black', 'cnt') }}"

now just need to find a way to access the total pages printed by the fuser in the printer