Samsung syncthru problem after 0.93.0

After updating to 0.93.1 I get the following error in the log. Someone knows what it indicates?
Prior to the update syncthru worked fine with my samsung printer. Now it seems that the “tray_1” sensor and at least one more is missing.

[homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [sensor.syncthru]: value is not allowed @ data[‘monitored_conditions’][1]. Got ‘tray_1’. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/sensors.yaml, line 212). Please check the docs at

Yes I confirm the behaviour. I have the same message on this previously working tag.
Also for whatever reason the other tags don’t update anymore (toner_black and status) for my syncthru device (Samsung Laser printer)

Same problem here.

> ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [sensor.syncthru]: value is not allowed @ data['monitored_conditions'][4]. Got 'tray_1'
> value is not allowed @ data['monitored_conditions'][5]. Got 'output_tray_0'.

I have noticed that the latest version of syncthru from 24th of April makes the toner level disapear. I have tried to put a custom component with the preious version of the 12th of April and the toner level appears again.

Toner level is working fine for me. The problem I have is for output_tray_* and tray_*.
But this April 24th version added a (involuntary?) breaking change in the name of the config parameters for monitored_conditions:

tray_* became trays_*
output_tray_* became output_trays_*

So, for the moment, if you want to have it working, just add a ‘s’ to “tray”.
EDIT: adding a ‘s’ will make config validation OK, but there is still an inconsistency in the code that won’t make these sensors reappear. I’ve added a comment in the code review to notify author about that.

Toner level shows fine in syncthru but not i HA.
Adding a “s” to “tray_1” --> “trays_1” makes the error dissapear but only “sensor.samsung_printer” seems to Work.

any idea how to make toner level and tray status show in HA Again?

Same here.

Samsung C430W worked fine. Now all I get is in the Log:

[homeassistant.loader] Loaded syncthru from homeassistant.components.syncthru
[homeassistant.components.sensor] Setting up sensor.syncthru
[homeassistant.components.syncthru.sensor] Discovered a new Samsung Printer at

And the entities are “unknown”

[sensor.samsung_c43x_series_192_168_1_9] Unknown

My sensor.yaml for the samsung printer looks like this. But exactly same “unknown”
In syncthru everything looks fine.

  - platform: syncthru
        - toner_black
        - trays_1

Same issue here. My config in sensor.yaml is nearly identical to yours and everything is “unknown” even tho syncthru web service is reporting everything.

Printer model is Samsung M283x if that helps.

I wonder if this problem has come after a Samsung update or a HA update?

My Samsung printer runs the same firmware version for the last 3 years or so… I never updated it and there is no auto update options…

Hmm I guess it is a HA issue then.

As @Lefuneste pointed out previously, this issue comes from an update to the syncthru component in HA. I already added a comment in the changeset, but I’m not sure it has been seen. It would be best to file a new issue with HA.

I just opened a new issue on GitHub:

Best to do a PR to fix the spelling mistake

The fix will be included in the next release 0.95.5

sounds great :slight_smile:

I’ve have just updated to 0.95 and still have problem with syncthru

I haven´t upgraded to 0.96 yet but will return here with the result as soon as I have.