Samsung TV issue!


I try to control my Samsung TV but with not much luck ! If it’s on I can control volume but I have no control over power on (never works) and most of time not also on power off. It’s a 2013 model upgraded 2014 (firmware up to date): UE55ES8000).
I have declared it this way:

platform: samsungtv
name: TV
mac: F4:7B:5E:B5:28:BB

I have seen nothing on HA website about that control but isn’t there something specific to do to prevent TV to switch off network while in standby ?? I have deactivated already energy saver and all these stuffs but not much more luck :frowning:



I’m pretty sure that is operating as designed for the Samsung TVs, at least from that generation. I have a similar model and it is the same thing. I can control it when powered on, but when it powers down the network is disabled as well.

Yep st*upid manufacturers :frowning: So I guess best way is to control it by CEC through the HDMI input to get something reliable :wink:

Same Problem for me.

No network access when Samsung TV is off. No Chance to switch it on!

Yep the most funny is that they messed up themselves as even official Samsung app is unable to wake up TV :smiley:

No way through the Wake on LAN ? I remember having heard about something like that that could be activated in Service menu of TV…

I also just see my TV on the dashboard, but I can’t do anything with it. Has anyone solved this problem?