SamsungTvTizen config

Im reading and been bussy for some weeks now. I cant find proper easy info about how to set this up.

Now i putted the following in my configuration.yaml:

      - platform: samsungtv_tizen
        name: "TV beneden"
        host: xxx.xx.x.x
        mac: 64:xx:xx:xx:xx
        app_list: '{"Netflix": "11101200001", "YouTube": "111299001912", "Spotify": "3201606009684"}'

Where can i find this one now? If i use media player card i cannot find this one. Im lost. For a newbie the documentation on the hacs is hard to understand.

Im bussy to make a button that opens spotify on my Samsung tv and starts playing music. But i can just put my tv on and off with the standard samsung integration.

Anyone can assist me here on what to do next?