Satel integra


Fast call is not an issue here, we are talking about single calls only, each targeting output 38 or 49 fails. I have 9 INT-IORS modules, 11 blinds and many lights controlled but issue is with couple of them only. I’ve enabled debug mode and included some logs in the incident attached. I have no idea why debug log looks different. I’ve tried to rename entities in satel.yaml, but no effect, always #38 & #49 fails. Help :slight_smile:

is there a plan to support ETHM-1 module?
Is a chance to just use the official module now integrated with new HA distribution

Best Regards

This has been discussed several times, and in short: it has relatively low priority.
Though I’m now saying no.

I don’t know what do you mean by

“Is a chance to just use the official module now integrated with new HA distribution”

can you elaborate?

He probably think to add it to official HA Integration.

Ah, got it now :slight_smile:

But you think about add it ? This will be a good feature.

Hi. I integrate my alarm Satel with my HA. In Satel Intergra i have 4 zone: (in Polish) Parter, Piętro, Okna parter, Okna piętro. When i integrate it and defined zone in integration i have 4 panel alarm in HA. Is any chance to add only one panel with button ARM AWAY and second ARM NIGHT. And when use Arm Away all zone was armed , but when use ARM NIGHT only zone Parter and Okna Parter will be arm ?
Good option will be if this feature will be implement to Satel Integra integration… Sorry for my english.

Currently there’s no support for multiple zones, although it would make sense to add it. If it’s added it would be presented as separate alarm component so you could arm them independently.

If now you Will have a Little Time in pandemic maybe you can think about it please :slight_smile:

Hello, I am trying to integrate Satel Integra with an ETHM-1 Plus module, everything from Satel Side seems to work and are set as described in the documentation, everything from HA side are as described in the documentation, but there seems to be an issue connecting them.

Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/satel_integra/
First occurred: 8:29:32 AM (9 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:34:27 AM

Got exception: 0 bytes read on a total of None expected bytes. Most likely the other side has disconnected!
Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/satel_integra/
First occurred: 9:56:13 AM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:01:56 AM

Got empty response. We think it's disconnect.

nc -vvv xx.xx.xx.xx 7094
Connection to xx.xx.xx.xx port 7094 [tcp/*] succeeded!


I am I doing something wrong here? What could be causing this issue?

Thank you in advance

Couple of things to check - see if DLoadX configuration is good (integration is on, encryption is off).
Make sure no other connections are in progress to EHM-plus module (e.g. Satel mobile application is not used).
Unfortunately Satel only supports one connection at a time :frowning_face:

See if that helps?

any idea how to make the integration to arm both floors when arming one of the partitions?

currently, we have

  host: xx.xx.xx.xx
  port: 7094
  code: xxx
      name: 'GROUND FLOOR'
      arm_home_mode: 2
      name: '1 FLOOR'
       name: 'Door Garage'
       type: 'motion' 
       name: 'Kitchen'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Living Room'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Bedroom 1'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Bedroom 2'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Master Bedroom'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Corridor 1st Floor'
       type: 'motion'
       name: 'Tamper System'
       type: 'tamper'


Well, you can have automation that will sync the statuses, but that might prove a bit tricky as status changes are a bit unreliable now (they change too much during arming disarming, there’s bug raised for that).

How about doing it in the configuration of the alarm itself, via DloadX? To me this sounds like a better solution - you got the same behavior no matter if you arm using Home Assistant or manipulator.

Does that help?

Hello and thanks for the reply.

To be honest, on the regular keypad, when I ARM the ground floor the 1st floor also is being armed. but that’s not the case when using the arming from Home Assistant.


Hello thanks for the answer, it really helped I have another question though, for some reason my sensors are not updating when there is movement, I get the following in the logs, what could be causing this:

Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/satel_integra/
First occurred: 3:40:12 PM (165 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:21:13 PM
Exception during connecting: [Errno 111] Connect call failed (‘xx.xx.xx.xx’, 7091).

Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/satel_integra/
First occurred: 3:40:12 PM (165 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:21:13 PM
Not connected, sleeping for 10s…

Logger: satel_integra.satel_integra
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/satel_integra/
First occurred: 3:40:17 PM (124 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:21:17 PM
Ignoring data because we’re disconnected!

Thank you again in advance for your time

I have integrate my Satel Integra with HA. In satel i have to ZONE: “Parter” and “Pietro”. In HA i see two panels for Alarm and it is ok. But is any chance to implement in integration when i use on zone “PARTER” button ARM NIGHT to arm this zone ? I want use ARM NIGHT to only arm zone name PARTE. But when use ARM AWAY this arm also PARTER and PIETRO.

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Dear Team,

I would like to know if its possible to get user events from access control using satel-integra module.

Using the DLOADX app I can see all the events for the access control cards. Is it possible to receive all events using this module somehow? I would like to create an app to count each user using the these events.

thank you in advance for your support

Dear all,

I’ve been trying (and failing), to setup my switchable_outputs, which I believe to be a result of using an incorrect ‘code’ variable in the .yalm config.

  host: XXXXXXXX
  port: 7094
  code: XXXXXXX

      name: "Entrance"
      type: "motion"
      name: "Garage"
      type: "motion"
      name: "Living room 1"
      type: "motion"
      name: "Living room 2"
      type: "motion"
      name: "Door"
      name: "Garage Door"
      name: "Main Gate"

My Dloadx is listing several codes and/or IDs for various components, which make me think I am not using the appropriate one for this integration.
Could someone point me to the correct DLOADX window where the right one is located or at least how many characters it should have?

Thank you in advance!

The “code” is simply your alarm code for the user that has the right to modify the state of that particular output. I’m afraid the docs are a bit confusing there…

Does that help?

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Thank you for the answer!

I’ve started from using the admin code for my alarm and this didn’t work.
My cover, i.e. garage did not actuate when called for, but also no error was produced in either log.

Will try with user codes and report back!