Satellite to Media_player Volume ducking

This is my first Blueprint, but I found this automation simple but very helpful.

What does it do?
Whenever any Assist_satellite entity changes to “listening”, the volume of a different media_player in that same room will be lowered.
When the satellite returns to the idle state (or after 30 seconds) the volume level will be restored on the media_player.

How to set it up?
Just add the blueprint to your installation. No further setup or settings are required.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

How does it work?

  1. The trigger is a template looking for any assist_satellite entity with the state ‘listening’. When the amount changes above 0, the automation triggers.
  2. HA delivers the entity_id, which will be used to search for other media_players in the entity’s room that are in the playing state. If the satellite has a media_player entity (like the HA Voice PE), it will exclude that media_player.
  3. The found media_player’s volume level will be lowered with a fixed amount (volume_level / 1.5).
  4. The automation will wait until the satellite changes back to idle (or time-out of 30 seconds).
  5. The volume will return back to its previous state (volume_level * 1.5).

Why won’t it work?
This only works for one (other) media_player in the room, besides the satellite (if that device has a media_player entity). So, when there are multiple media_players with the playing state in the same room, the automation will fail.

The actual code:

  name: Satellite Media Player volume ducking
  description: >
    This blueprint will duck the volume by a fixed percentage of a playing media_player entity when a Assist Satellite is activated in the same room.
    The volume will be restored the volume to the previous level after the satellite returns to the idle state.

  domain: automation
mode: single
  - alias: Assist Satellite listening
    trigger: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ states.assist_satellite | selectattr('state','eq','listening') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') | count > 0}}
  - variables:
      media_player: >-
        {% set entities_in_area = area_entities(area_name(trigger.entity_id)) %}
        {% set media_players = entities_in_area | select('search',
        'media_player.') | list %} {% for entity_id in media_players %}
          {% if states(entity_id) == "playing" and device_id(trigger.entity_id) != device_id(entity_id) %}
            {{ entity_id }}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ media_player != '' }}"
          - action: media_player.volume_set
            metadata: {}
              volume_level: "{{ state_attr(media_player, 'volume_level') / 1.5}}"
              entity_id: "{{ media_player }}"
            enabled: true
            alias: Duck volume
          - wait_template: "{{ states(trigger.entity_id) == 'idle' }}"
            continue_on_timeout: true
            timeout: "00:30:00"
            alias: Wait for Satellite
          - action: media_player.volume_set
            metadata: {}
              volume_level: "{{ state_attr(media_player, 'volume_level') * 1.5}}"
              entity_id: "{{ media_player }}"
            enabled: true
            alias: Lift volume
        alias: Media_player found
      - stop: No media_player found playing in the area