Satellite Tracker Integration - Track a Satellite or see what satellites are over head

I installed succesfully through HACS the custom component, restarted twice HA, but still cannot find it inside the UI integrations…
EDIT: I am thinking it can depends from the security issues of latest HA integrations?
EDIT2: Freeing caches all is solved !

Will you share the code to show where the ISS is in the map?

Not sure what you mean - if you have the ISS Satellite Tracker set up it should automatically create a device tracker entity which would appear on the map (at least on mine it does). What do you get?


As a newbie to HA can someone tell me steps on how to add to Lovelace? I choose the satellite option NOT location.

Satellite does appear on my map though.


@djtimca Is this integration still maintained?
I see for example an issue opened on March 4th about the ‘version’ key in the manifest file…

No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'satellitetracker'. This will not be allowed in a future version of Home Assistant. Please report this to the maintainer of 'satellitetracker'

Additionally, I don’t see any passes anymore while (as far as I know) everything worked well before the 2021.4 updates.

I have added version key in an update. Mine is showing passes. Just may be that it is not around your area right now.

I cannot find the custom:button-card anywhere. This is such a cool integration! I want to see all satellites etc!

You can find them in the HACS module

Hi All;

I’ve added this Integration into my HA, but the sensors aren’t updating - however the Device Trackers are updating on the Map. Any ideas? I’ve jiggled the update polling frequency from a few different values from 5-60 seconds, and changed the elevation number a few times, but the 4 Satellites I wish to track all have static values (passes etc) that never change.

What maybe wrong?

This is awesome. The provided code is really cool too, nice looking and useful card. However, is there a way to notify us of upcoming passes? I see one of the created sensors is a 10 minute warning. I made an automation to notify me when this turns on, but then realized it has been off since I installed it so it never triggers. I don’t see anything about the 10 minute warning in the docs either.

Thanks for the integration.

Figured it out…Found in the options the minimum degrees for pass alerts. Was at 45 which is why it wasn’t turning on.

Great integration. Thanks again!

Hi Tim,

I’d like to make an automation with the data that the sensors provide. My goal is to get a notification on my phone, or to broadcast a message to our nest speaker if one of the satellites that I’ve inserted as satelites instead of everything on our location is going to pass over our location in 10 or 30 minutes. This in order to walk go to my computer and setup my SDR dongle for weather images.

Considering the integration hasn’t been updated in a while, I think this might be a new issue.


Just stuck like that

alias: ISS Notification
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.international_space_station_iss_10_minute_pass_warning
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_david_pixel_6a
      message: >-
        ISS fly by in 10 minutes - Sky is {{
        states('sensor.weather_description') }}
mode: single

I plan to eventually use the state of the sky from my weather integration as a condition, basically to only notify if it’s clear, but testing now.

Here is my automation to get a 10 minute warning notification on my phone for the next upcoming pass.

Also, is there a way to get notified of viewable starlink passes? It seems like the way this works is to use the NORAD satellite ID, which there is one code for the ISS but thousands for starlink.

Same can you share the ISS Current Position card code?