Save my Home Assistant

So, for the first time ever I had a power cut (failure) in the area, which resulted in all my lights turning on at 3 am, with them being set to a yellow hue. We’ve had a couple of outages before and I don’t recall being as affected, although this could have been when we were all awake.

Now this was a huge wake-up, which fortunately only woke me and my partner. The kids slept through it. I had to wait until my Raspberry Pi booted up, to be able to power off the lights. Too much time had passed which resulted in me waking up properly and taking forever to fall back asleep.

I need something to kick in that the lights recall their last state and don’t come on.

I’ve had a Google, and nothing comes to suit.

Does anyone have a script that can make the lights recall their last state, i.e. off or on so that we don’t all wake up?

I recall when I was running the Hue Bridge for my Hue lights, it would know the last known state and not power them all on.

Please, help as my partner said this morning “Can we not go back to normal lights?”

Please save my Home Assisant!

You can set the power recovery state for Hue lights in both their app (which you already mentioned) and with Z2M if you are using it.

I no longer use the app and I am using Deconz from a Conbee!! stick

But you’re not telling us, what bulbs or devices you have… :wink:

It entirely depends on the bulbs, if they support that feature to restore to a state before a power loss. As far as I know (and remember), HUE bulbs should work, the newer Tradfri as well. There should be a setting somewhere under attributes in the deconz device settings. But I can’t say for sure, not a user of deconz or Conbee.

What I can say is, in Zigbee2MQTT you find a setting under details, where you can select what restore behaviour you want, so it should be there in other implementations (like deconz) as well. :slight_smile:

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They’re all Hue lights, running through the Conbee!! stick. I used Deconz to set them up.

So this should apply to you:

There you should be able to set something to restore the previous state. A quick Google search says, it might be named PowerOn OnOff. :slight_smile:

For me, this behavior is the big fall back for me in case of emergency. Just toggle the main power and in the house all the lights are on. But I do live in an area with (almost) no power cuts.

I’ve just been through the web interface and there’s no option for this. :frowning:

It’ll be in the deCONZ interface, not Home Assistant.

Yeah that was the interface I was viewing

It is in the deconz app, see here for a screenshot:

If it is not there, maybe the bulbs are to old, or the firmware on the bulbs is to old or the bulb simply doesn’t have that feature. For HUE bulbs this should be in the firmware since 2018/2019, so should be there. :slight_smile:



Obviously, I was looking at Phoscon and not Deconz. A complicated mess in there. So I will take a proper look when everyone is in bed, as it’s too distracting right now.

Appreciate the response Paddy

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I found it!

Nailed it, so far. Hopefully no more powercuts. But if there is this will be the test! lol